1965 Starcraft Project *****GOD HELP ME*****


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 14, 2009
Re: 1965 Starcraft Project *****GOD HELP ME*****

Wow thanks for all the pics. Looks like your doing an awsome job. Great pics too. I am going for a full paint job and i am wondering what type of paints to use. IE: Primer, Finish and do i need to clear coat it when all painted. I dont want the paint rubbing off from launching from a bunk/roller trailer. Oh what to do, that is the question.:confused::confused:

For paint I used strictly spray can restoleum; primer, finish and clear coat. It's fairly cheap and works well. Seems to be the paint of choice around here. But, I haven't had mine in tne water yet. Winched it up onto the trailer once and I didn't see any damage to the paint. This is my first boat redo so I just followed what I learned here from the more experienced guys.
You'll end up with a number of recommendations. Just go with whatever makes you feel warm and fuzzy.....:p


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 9, 2009
Re: 1965 Starcraft Project *****GOD HELP ME*****

Oh yeah the warm fuzzy feeling that usually leads to me and the wife fighting over how much it costs. Why do women always say that it costs too much money but when they drive the car for soooooooo long withought doing any maintenence to it and there has been a funny noise for like the last 3 months and the brake pedel goes to the floor and she says that i should have known even though i dont drive the friggen thing ever but i paid for the darn thing to begin with and now i put out over $800 for her friend to fix it and now it makes even a worse noise like the ABS sensor in one tire is shot and i tell her to take it back and they say there is no noise and everything is fine but when i drive it it sounds like crud and the brakes barely work...So that is not expensive and now i need to put more money into her car instead of my boat but that is ok i guess. OMG Anyone got a asprine?......Wow did i just get a load off.... Sorry for the rant guys....

:p... but yeah i think the rustoleum sounds like the way i am going to go. Do they sell it in quartz so i can spray it with my guns? And if so will i need to dilute? Oh as for my location I am in Stroudsburg, PA (north east PA) the Poconos. I am a cable tv technition so if you guys need any help let me know.:cool::cool::cool:. Oh and again guys please help me find a motor i want to get started but cant till i have motor......Oh God Please Help ME....


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 9, 2009
Re: 1965 Starcraft Project *****GOD HELP ME*****

Oh and guys if anyone is near me i would be happy to let you come over and use my spray equipment. Heck i will probably help you do it too..... Just trying to be friendly here in the Poconos.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 14, 2009
Re: 1965 Starcraft Project *****GOD HELP ME*****

I think the rusto comes in quarts, but call around to a couple of paint stores. I never looked. Walmart may even have the quarts.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: 1965 Starcraft Project *****GOD HELP ME*****

It is typically in quarts. Lowes even has their "marine" version.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 9, 2009
Re: 1965 Starcraft Project *****GOD HELP ME*****

OK fellas check this out. I just got back from a run to New Jersey and Look what i found. Its a 1965 33hp Evenrude that looks and runs like it was always kept in a garage. I cant believe the great condition i found this motor in. Started right up and runs like a top. Came with steering, throttle, Key ignition and even the Gas tank. I am so stoked and i got it really cheap. less then $500.00 and that includes my travel expenses. WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO. I love this boat rebuilding stuff. I am so happy i have the same year boat and motor what a great match dont ya think? Drop me a line.:D:D:D:D:D:D


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 9, 2009
Re: 1965 Starcraft Project *****GOD HELP ME*****

I was so stoked about getting the message otu i forgot to do the pics. LOL here they are.


  • 33hp motor pic2.jpg
    33hp motor pic2.jpg
    25.4 KB · Views: 1
  • 33 hp Motor Pic1.jpg
    33 hp Motor Pic1.jpg
    24.6 KB · Views: 1


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: 1965 Starcraft Project *****GOD HELP ME*****

What a great motor. If I had a dime for every time I pull started a 33 evinrude as a kid I would have enough to buy one!!

I spent many many hours running one. I would suggest that you change the lower unit oil and install a new impellar just for piece of mind.


Aug 3, 2007
Re: 1965 Starcraft Project *****GOD HELP ME*****

Nice find...boat as well as motor.
I just picked up an old 60's aluminum too that could use some cleaning up.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: 1965 Starcraft Project *****GOD HELP ME*****

What a great match for that boat. Great find!


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 9, 2009
Re: 1965 Starcraft Project *****GOD HELP ME*****

No doubt Bob V i have that on the agenda. If there is anyone out there with any info or manuals on this motor or where i can get one let me know please. I want to treat this motor like my own child. I was told that with proper maintenence this thing will last longer then me. LOL.

I plan on going over this motor with a fine tooth comb even though it runs good. I think a complete tune up is in order because i dont when the last time it had one.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 9, 2009
Re: 1965 Starcraft Project *****GOD HELP ME*****

Wanted to post some better pics of the project. I started to gut her today. I removed all the interior and topside fittings. Stripped right down to the hull which looks pretty good exept all the dirt i hafto clean out. I will take more pics in the morning and post them.




Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 9, 2009
Re: 1965 Starcraft Project *****GOD HELP ME*****

Ok here are some pics of the boat as of this morning. I removed all the dirt, leaves and screws left in the ribs. Next is to blow all the nooks and crannys out with the compressor and then lightly sand the inside then seal all serfaces with etching primer then epoxy paint. If anyone has better idea for sealing the inside let me know. I was even thinking of putting spray can bed liner in there before closing the floor back in. Would that work? Let me know. And on to the pics.




Yeah she is a dirty little girl right now but i am gunna woop her into shape quick.

Boss Hawg

Apr 9, 2009
Re: 1965 Starcraft Project *****GOD HELP ME*****

Welcome to the Starcraft club :D
Mine was a bit easier but it looked almost as bad when i shelled out the thousand bucks for her :(
Mine involved mostly elbow grease + carpet, wiring & a little engine work :redface:
Still have to pretty up the trailer tho----
Best of luck on yours!!!



Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 9, 2009
Re: 1965 Starcraft Project *****GOD HELP ME*****

Wow that look real nice. You did a great job on it. Hopefully mine will stand out. I am so stoked to finish but its easter so i hafto do the family thing today.

Boss Hawg

Apr 9, 2009
Re: 1965 Starcraft Project *****GOD HELP ME*****

Wow that look real nice. You did a great job on it. Hopefully mine will stand out. I am so stoked to finish but its easter so i hafto do the family thing today.

Thanks, i'm 100% sure you'll be as proud of yours as i am mine :cool:
It's real bad weather here today so i have to be content just visting here & thinking up new ideas :(


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 9, 2009
Re: 1965 Starcraft Project *****GOD HELP ME*****

Thanks, i'm 100% sure you'll be as proud of yours as i am mine :cool:
It's real bad weather here today so i have to be content just visting here & thinking up new ideas :(

Ideas?????? Oh yeah those strange little things that cost a whole bunch of chaching.... I cant wait to start getting this thing back together. I wanna show it off so bad. The only thing holding me back is Time and the Honey do list. LOLOLOLOL.....:eek:


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 14, 2008
Re: 1965 Starcraft Project *****GOD HELP ME*****

If anyone has better idea for sealing the inside let me know. I was even thinking of putting spray can bed liner in there before closing the floor back in. Would that work? Let me know.

Hey Mr. Marine - nice project you've got going - what a grab on that motor! I'm not sure if you've read about Gluvit in this forum - but it seems to be the standard recommendation for sealing rivets/seams from the inside. It's an epoxy that retains some flexibility when cured. Many of the guys on this board have had good results with it. I just did my hull - I'm a good long way from launch day - but I anticipate good results on the Gluvit. You wouldn't need to treat the entire inner hull - just seams and rivets. I'd think the prep process would the same for any method.


Mar 19, 2007
Re: 1965 Starcraft Project *****GOD HELP ME*****

Gluvit is generally an aluminum boats best friend, but I must say, I've owned several Starcraft boats, and currently have 5 with that style hull, and I've not yet had a leaky one. I've seen a few loose or missing rivets on other boats, but all of mine have been great.

Gluvit is the easiest to use, it takes the least amount of prep and gives the best results. You really only need to do below the water line.
If your using epoxy inside and out, plus the Gluvit, that thing will be pretty much guaranteed never to leak.

I like using epoxy paint, but if your taking the hull down to bare aluminum, you will need a self etching primer. I normally use a zinc chromate self etching primer on any bare metal, then I roll on the final coat of epoxy with a foam roller. The results are close or equal to a spray job. I've never wanted to chance epoxy paint in any of my high dollar spray guns. It's too hard to clean up and I feel I get much better adhesion and coverage with the roller.

I have used Rustoleum on a few aluminum boats, mostly smaller boats but it holds up fine.

In your one pic, it looks like your transom is cut or notched to take a smaller motor, if so, now is the time to fix that if the new motor is a long shaft, (20"). I've seen a few older Starcrafts cut that same way.

I have the same motor here, I was planning on putting it on a similar boat but came across a newer motor. I will probably restore the 33 I have here and find yet another boat for it.

The model of your boat is most likely a Mariner, the model began in 1967.
Here's a page from the 1967 Brochure:

I've actually been hoping to find a 16' version of that boat for years, no luck as of yet. I currently am working on a 1974 Super Sport which was already stripped and in primer when I got it. It was soda blasted by a local marina.

I am still deciding on what to paint it with. I lean towards white epoxy but have two gallons of white Rustoleum already that would work.

I'm pretty much as the paint, and reassembly stage with mine. Mine will most likely get a 70 hp Evinrude, but I'm also debating using a 55hp motor to save a bit on weight and fuel.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 9, 2009
Re: 1965 Starcraft Project *****GOD HELP ME*****

Reelfishin..... Thanks so much for the pic of the original boat. Is there any way you could do a high resolution scan and send me the file? It looks so cool. Kinda answers a whole lot of question on the things i seen in the boat. Some idiot put a center seat all the way across and used a tico hanger riveted to the hull...WTF.... Well i guess all i can do there is remove it and rivet the holes before painting.

my email is: (available just PM me ;) )
What does anyone think of this idea...
Before i put in the new wood transom, i was thinking of spraying the inside rear aluminum with a rubberized coating and then set and bolt the wood while it is still wet. My thinking is that if i do this it will seal the space between the aluminum and the wood permanently and will not allow any water inside that space ever. Sounds good to me because the material stays flexible. Input on this please anyone.

I think i am going to spray the rear floor up to the first rib with the material as well. Just making sure not to clog the gap under it to allow water to run to the rear where i will be putting the sump pump.

The good news is that i finished cleaning out one side of the garage and have moved the boat inside. This now allows me extra hours every day to work on it. YIPPIEEEEEEEEE............I cleaned the rear interior so i can put the transom in and i just need to pick up the rubber spray tomorrow so i can proceed. Thats if i get some good response on that idea.