"Mike killed a piece of property. I love my dog, but she is property."
I beg to differ, the law of the land may deem it to be so, the law also stipulates that it is legal to murder unborn humans; for they are not yet deemed to be people, the law is an ***.
That pond scum engaged in the wanton slaughter and abuse of living breathing creatures, a total disregard for one of God's created lifeforms.
I am proud to call my dog my friend, i will protect a "friend" at the risk of losing my own life, that is not something i have to think twice about.
In my book Michael Vick; provided that he is fairly given his day in court, if determined to be guilty, deserves the punishment equal to that of a mass murderer.
As far as trying to muddy the water with irrelevancies of the Ted Kenedy and OJ Simpson sagas, i'll say it again, the law is an ***.
Wanton slaughter? Going to have a steak or burger this weekend?
I could never allow or take the life of my friend either. Notice that licence plate around her neck. Property. Am I a monster because I make her get the newspaper in the morning even if it is raining? There is a slippery slope when we apply human attributes and human rights to animals.
FYI, some asians consider dogs livestock. Can we now apply our American "moral" values towards them?
This is what happens when you take "morals" (you can't legislate morals I have been told by many right here on this site) out of the equasion.. I am disgusted by Mick Vicks actions, but this nationwide hatefest that has erupted around him is equally as sad... If he did the crime, does his time, why can't he try to make a fresh start with a unique talent nobody here on this board has? I keep hearing how fat bottom girl changed her views from communist (to socialist/communist) and is now ready to be President, why can't MV have the same luxury?
Mike killed a piece of property. I love my dog, but she is property. He never should have done such a terrible thing. But Ray Lewis may have killed a person and he is a superstar.
The man has skills and has to earn a living. Lets see what he learns....
Thank you for your valuable and in-depth anaylsis. And your comparison to some post you saw at move-on.org was stimulating.
I think I can speak for everyone when I say we are all so much smarter for having read your post. I know I feel blessed for having read it......
Would you mind if I submit it to the NY Times? It's just the right tenor.
What I am saying is that they were HIS dogs. Dogs are property. His actions offend and disgust me. I do not condone his actions. He broke the law and should go to jail. When he finishes his debt to society, shows he has learned his lesson and will not participate in these activities again, and can present himself as an asset to the league, then I think he should be given the opportunity to resume his tainted career. My comments are to be taken outside the emotion one gets when typing and looking at the family pet.
I believe killing a dog is not as bad as murdering a person. I don't think it is as bad as raping a woman, being a traitor to your country, beating or neglecting your children. I believe his spreading Hepititus to unsuspecting women is worse than this. I think what he did was terrible, I just don't think he is the Hitler he is being portrayed as in the news or by some on this thread based on his actions in this situation. What he did was barbaric, but in light of what goes on in the dark corners of professional sports, no worse than many others.
I don't believe he will be sentanced because he killed his dogs but because he neglected and used them for bloodsport. I could be wrong, the whole story sickens me and I have not followed it closely, but dogs are Property. That is the law. Abusing them is a crime, I agree, but to think we should punish a man for his entire life for doing something as stupid as this is to blow the whole situation out of proportion. You can torture a cow same as a dog. Torture is torture. My greatest concern really lies in what he was getting out of all this. It is a sick a perverted person who enjoys watching dogs fight to the death. I also am aware and many of you should too, what some whack jobs will extend this to. See PETA. I hope none of you are torturing any fish this weekend. Actually I hope all of you are torturing and killing as many as you want..
Puhleez.....While I agree with most of your post, that fact that they were HIS dogs has nothing to do with this case and the LAW. Are you saying that because dogs are PROPERTY, it should be treated as if he broke a stereo? That is PROPERTY as well.
Where the Hitler analogy came from, I have no clue. What Vick did is nothing close as to what that madman did. I don't see him being made out that way in the press.
As for cows being being tortured, and I am not a cowboy, but how are they tortured? They live on the range, go to the feedlot to fatten some more and are killed so we can eat. Has noting to with dogs.
PETA? ( People Eating Tasty Animals) Even they agree that this is nothing close to hunting and killing a deer.
His NFL career should be over. If a pedophile does his time, do you want him living next to a school that your child attends? I mean he did his time, right? Give him another chance right? Maybe a murderer? I think not.
Although he should be banned 1,000 feet from any dog pounds....![]()