Pelosi doesn't want tuna with good taste....


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 4, 2005
Re: Pelosi doesn't want tuna with good taste....


Personally, I think whether it a judge or politician, if there is even an appearance of conflict of interest they should recuse themselves from hearing the case or voting on a bill. That said, this hasn't been the case the last six years. Like I said, precedent has been set. This administration and Republican leadership has been one big conflict of interest and you people on the right haven't seen any harm. Now when the dems are in control you all found religion. If you righties want to be taken seriously, you have to be a little bit more consistent or else you look like partisan hacks.

Now let me ask you a few questions QC, sense we're all trying to be fair minded.

"I don't think this is analogous to your examples at all, and I believe that 99% of fair minded people would agree regardless of party affiliation."

Do you think Bill Friest voting on health care matters showed an ethical lapse when he and his family own one of the biggest HMOs in the country?
Did you think that no bid contracts to Haliburton for Iraq and Katrina showed an ethical lapse?
Did you think Athony Scalia duck hunting with the Vice President just before he was going to here a case involving the VP was ethical?
Did you think Bush and Cheny's corporate contributors and back yard barbecue buddy Ken Lay, writing our energy policy behind close doors was ethical?

I could go on QC, but you get the point.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 3, 2004
Re: Pelosi doesn't want tuna with good taste....

Say what you will, I think Nancy Palosi is HOT!


Aug 1, 2006
Re: Pelosi doesn't want tuna with good taste....

Say what you will, I think Nancy Palosi is HOT!

You are one sick puppy. :p


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Pelosi doesn't want tuna with good taste....

Art if you think that is hot I have some suggestions for new web sites for you to view. Seeing Lil' Nancy after the surgery just looks sick


Apr 10, 2005
Re: Pelosi doesn't want tuna with good taste....

I guess everyone wants me to dig Ann Coulter out of the archives?? Seems that there were a few that thought she was hot, anybody want to look? 8)


Aug 1, 2006
Re: Pelosi doesn't want tuna with good taste....

Did you have this one Tree?


And just for you Art....




Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Pelosi doesn't want tuna with good taste....

Thanks for the answer on Pelosi. Honestly, it helps me take you more seriously when we have dialogue instead of evasiveness. No reason that can't continue . . .

jimonica said:
Do you think Bill Friest voting on health care matters showed an ethical lapse when he and his family own one of the biggest HMOs in the country?

jimonica said:
Did you think that no bid contracts to Haliburton for Iraq and Katrina showed an ethical lapse?
Do your homework. They were not no-bid contracts, they were extensions of existing contracts. I believe this is acceptable due to the scrutiny of the original contract process. The Haliburton thing has been a non-story from day one. Total attempt to spin the public and it worked. Consider yourself spun . . . Haliburton's position on Giv't contracts grew more during the Clinton Administration. Also, I believe there are legitimate times for no-bid contracts. Emergency services is one of them.

jimonica said:
Did you think Athony Scalia duck hunting with the Vice President just before he was going to here a case involving the VP was ethical?
I haven't spent any time on that one. I guess I think a judge is paid specifically to be non-partial, but it does have a little odor around it.

jimonica said:
Did you think Bush and Cheny's corporate contributors and back yard barbecue buddy Ken Lay, writing our energy policy behind close doors was ethical?
I don't believe that he did . . . However, I don't like anything that stinks if you can follow it to a real smell generator.

To keep this consistent. Did you like Clinton's pardon of Marc Rich after his wife gave $1M to Dem causes and $450K to the Clinton Library?

BTW, I also don't really like campaign reform and will post a thread soon on same. I should be free to donate as much as I want to whoever I want. Yes, can get out of hand, but that's what a free press is for . . .


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Pelosi doesn't want tuna with good taste....

Bonney Fwank ith doing whatever he can from the podium;
The following is an exchange between Fwank and Patwick McHenwy.
Transcript is C&P from "Rush 24/7" today;

Rush: "So Republicans are trying to make a point about this, trying to insert an exemption for Samoa, Democrats are into the stem cell bill. This is Representative Patrick McHenry from North Carolina and Barney Frank. Listen to this exchange. Barney has the gavel. "

FRANK: Yes, the gentleman may state the inquiry.

McHENRY: So the chair is saying that I may not offer an amendment exempting American Samoa --

FRANK: The gentleman will suspend! The gentleman is making a speech and will suspend. The chair is not saying anything --

McHENRY: If the chair will let me finish my question.

FRANK: (pounding gavel) The gentleman will suspend. The chair has answered the gentleman's question. The gentlemen will state the point of order.

McHENRY: How many times --

FRANK: No. No. The gentleman -- (pounding gavel) the gentleman -- ''how many times'' could not conceivably be a point of order.

McHENRY: If the chair will not answer my question --

FRANK: The gentleman will not interrupt. (pounding gavel)

McHENRY: Is exempted from this legislation.

FRANK: (pounding gavel) The gentleman will not -- well, the chair is presiding, will not make speeches in the guise of a parliament inquiry. (pounding gavel) The gentlemen will suspend. The gentlemen --

McHENRY: Point of order.

FRANK: The gentlemen from Texas will suspend. (pounding gavel)

McHENRY: -- out of order in the past.

The moral of this story -- It helpth to have friendth with wooden hammerth. :)

Or "Who needth moralth when you have the gavvel?"


Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Pelosi doesn't want tuna with good taste....

12, was that Rush Limpaugh's oxy induced lisp or do you have something you would like to share with us?:^:$d:)


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Pelosi doesn't want tuna with good taste....

Quote: 6:36pm Today by jimonica
Do you think Bill Friest voting on health care matters showed an ethical lapse when he and his family own one of the biggest HMOs in the country?


Quote: 6:36pm Today by jimonica
Did you think Athony Scalia duck hunting with the Vice President just before he was going to here a case involving the VP was ethical?

Ethical probably, appropriate - no way.

Quote: 6:36pm Today by jimonica
Did you think Bush and Cheny's corporate contributors and back yard barbecue buddy Ken Lay, writing our energy policy behind close doors was ethical?

The person yelling for direct proof in turn posts this accusation. Dubious.


Aug 1, 2006
Re: Pelosi doesn't want tuna with good taste....

Haut, again you have shown just how trivial you are.... good show. :p

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Pelosi doesn't want tuna with good taste....

Thank you, thank you very much.....8)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 4, 2005
Re: Pelosi doesn't want tuna with good taste....

QC wrote,
"Do your homework. They were not no-bid contracts, they were extensions of existing contracts."

Wasn't the Samoa exemption already an existing contract or agreement, if you will?
You see QC, you can't have one set of rules for repubs and another for dems or have at lower set of ethics for repubs and then raise the bar for dems.

BTW, this is all a mute point, when the dems got wind of the exemption, they decided to right it by including Samoa in the minimum wage bill.
I can see where this is going all ready, just like when Clinton took office, the repubs threw every accusation they could think of at him until six years later they finally caught him lying about a BJ. Its starting all ready.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 4, 2005
Re: Pelosi doesn't want tuna with good taste....

"Democrats involved in the legislation say that neither Del Monte nor StarKist has lobbied Mrs. Pelosi or the committee on the matter. And records show that while Del Monte political action committees have given $5,300 in the past five years to Republicans, neither they nor Del Monte executives have given to any Democrats."

Yep, ol Nancy is real tight with Del Monte and Sarkist alright!d:) I'll say it again, much ado about nothing.


Aug 1, 2006
Re: Pelosi doesn't want tuna with good taste....

later they finally caught him lying about a BJ.

A little attempt at a history rewrite? It doesn't matter what you lie under oath about, it's the fact that you lied. Help me out here, what is that called?


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Pelosi doesn't want tuna with good taste....

I have never asked you to use two sets of rules. The rules for the contracts were already in place . . . I also never said she did anything wrong other than voting . . . I submit that she should have abstained, and then you said if she did then it would not have passed . . . That's the whole point of my discourse with you. If it counts then you can't abstain? Sooo I can infer from that, that the only time to abstain is when it doesn't matter? How flippin' ridiculous is that?

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Pelosi doesn't want tuna with good taste....

crunch said:
later they finally caught him lying about a BJ.

A little attempt at a history rewrite? It doesn't matter what you lie under oath about, it's the fact that you lied. Help me out here, what is that called?

"Scooter" Libby? :$ d:)
His trial started today......
We will see how that goes.....
If it goes well we will end up with an impeachment.....;)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 4, 2005
Re: Pelosi doesn't want tuna with good taste....

QC wrote,
"I also never said she did anything wrong other than voting . . . "

And thats what I'm talking about, repubs and dems have a long history of voting on bills that they stand to gain from. But, with the repubs in charge of every branch of government, it was brought to a new high, or low depending on which side of the isle you stand on.

QC wrote,
"I submit that she should have abstained, and then you said if she did then it would not have passed . . . "

Not quite my exact words. I did say something to the effect if every member of congress would abstained from voting on a minimum wage bill because they own stock in a company that might pay minimum wage, we wouldn't have enough members to conduct a vote, which is really what the repubs would like anyway since the never supported a minimum wage in the first place.

But I will say this QC, you are a master at taking ones words and jumping to ridiculous conclusions. I know you don't like to use c&p, but it would save us all a lot of time. Maybe you have a method to your madness, if you did use c&p we'd have so much less to argue about.8)