Does the govt have the right.....


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Does the govt have the right.....

For christ sakes.......... they could not come to a conclusion on cigarette's now it's tran's fatty acid's?

Lol give me a break


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Does the govt have the right.....

Yes, in the ZmOz-JasonJ world of idiots incapable and worthy of life itself, Solylent Green seems the ultimate environmental AND social solution. Too bad they don't get it. When it came out I recall thinking the movie was OK, last night I actually thought it was stupid; of course that was before I read Jason's latest post . . .


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: Does the govt have the right.....

The Q-man's gettin harsh! Callin' names and everything. That's out of character bro.

I think tansfats are very bad.

Previous to this thread my thoughts were leaning towards banning them- remember I think they are VERY bad.

After reading this thread and actually putting some thought into it, I've changed my stance a little. Thanks for the suggesting to read the Constitution, Mein Kamp and that Marx rag.

It got me thinking straight again. It is my RIGHT to eat transfat laden calorie busting cr@p anytime I feel like it. It is also the right of that 300 pound fat a$$ 13 year old pig down the street from me as well.

Isn't it also my right to know if that's what some restaurant is serving up?

I say let's make them put up a big sign announcing it. Then the market can truely decide. And I think the market WOULD decide- not to eat this stuff.

There are only a few idiots (shades of Q-man breaking through :^ )here that actually want to consume transfats.....

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Does the govt have the right.....

So, it would be OK for me to partake of the bumper crop of opium expected to be harvested in Afghanistan?? ??
Jun 1, 2005
Re: Does the govt have the right.....

RubberFrog said:
There are only a few idiots (shades of Q-man breaking through :^ )here that actually want to consume transfats.....

It seems that more and more members are playing the idiot card. So I think we should let the more intelligent speak to the issue. Being sadly under-qualified to speak on this heady issue I feel it is our duty to have a custom view on this one. The only supported opinion expressed so far is that helium causes you to sound like a chipmunk, not hydrogen. Once these comments have been heard I am sure we will all be comfortable with the solution.
Stooooopid is as Stoooopid duz. ;)

EDIT: I think the Quite Caustic remarks about Jason were prompted by his saying that alcohol should be banned. ;) Statistically he has a precedent, socially he has trod on a slippery slope. ;)


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Does the govt have the right.....

Dude (Frogger),

I don't believe I have called anybody any names, although I suggested that someone might be inebriated . . .

Many restaurants do publish what the actual ingredients are. You should only frequent them and then the market is deciding and you're getting what you want without imposing it on me.

I don't know enough to comment specifically on trans fats. I just think banning this an requiring that are a lot scarier than the Gov't listening a little closer for potential terrorist bomb-making partys. One is saving me from a threat I can avoid and may be imagined, the other is saving me from a real threat that I cannot protect myself from. Yet many here who preach against the evil-Constitution-busting-Bush and the horrible influence that religion has on society, also suggest that we should worship scientific research and ban anything they feel we're too stupid and lazy to control for ourselves. I feel they should speak for themselves and recognise the absurd irony of their positions on this carp . . .

Edit: For Techno, I have changed to "in order of priority" twice now and it keeps changing back . . . hmmmmm. Time to try a new sig editing method.

Edit #2: It just changed back again, maybe I'm the one sniffin' glue . . . :%
Jun 1, 2005
Re: Does the govt have the right.....

QC, what we have here is - failure to communicate. One of the "rules" of I boats is that you read the whole thread before making a comment. While I understand your position with regard to the dangers of legislating against stooopidty I must caution you on your rhetoric. SEE: INFERENCE AND IMPLICATION. There is an element of risk in all things and there is a bottom line that, as far as I know, always get served. The Constitution was formed to insure the rights and liberty of the individual as well as promote the general welfare. Unfortunately, law formed by precedent has altered the design originally laid out by the founders. Also, the rights of the individual often times collide with the changes in technology. The best example I can cite would be prohibition. Alcohol itself was not the problem but the struggle to ban it or keep it legal was. Sometimes in the heat of battle we say things that we shouldn't but if there is a general willingness to acknowledge our mistakes and move forward then the general welfare is served. I thank you (as soap box collapses beneath me) :)


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: Does the govt have the right.....

QC said:
Dude (Frogger),

I don't believe I have called anybody any names, although I suggested that someone might be inebriated . . .

Q, I think you are referring to this comment-
RubberFrog said:
The Q-man's gettin harsh! Callin' names and everything. That's out of character bro.

When I made that comment, I was reffering to this comment-
QC said:
Yes, in the ZmOz-JasonJ world of idiots incapable and worthy of life itself...

Regardless, I was trying to be tongue-in-cheek and that's why I made this comment-
RubberFrog said:
There are only a few idiots (shades of Q-man breaking through )here that actually want to consume transfats.....

QC said:
I don't know enough to comment specifically on trans fats. I just think banning this an requiring that are a lot scarier than the Gov't listening a little closer for potential terrorist bomb-making partys. One is saving me from a threat I can avoid and may be imagined, the other is saving me from a real threat that I cannot protect myself from. Yet many here who preach against the evil-Constitution-busting-Bush and the horrible influence that religion has on society, also suggest that we should worship scientific research and ban anything they feel we're too stupid and lazy to control for ourselves. I feel they should speak for themselves and recognise the absurd irony of their positions on this carp . . .

That looks pretty deep and I think I agree with most of it. Unfortunately, if I respond to it line-by-line I am afraid I might start taking it all too serious... you know me. Let me respond to it in general terms and I say that I agree with much of it, but I think there is more to it than just terrorism versus fat police.

How about a law where men can still eat all the transfats we want but women can only eat salad? That could be good for mankind, right? 8)

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Does the govt have the right.....

How about a law where men can still eat all the transfats we want but women can only eat salad? That could be good for mankind, right?



Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Does the govt have the right.....

RubberFrog said:
How about a law where men can still eat all the transfats we want but women can only eat salad? That could be good for mankind, right? 8)

Absolutely, and only lemon juice for dressing; we all have our priorities. The need is obvious after viewing your contributions to the HOTD thread . . . :%


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: Does the govt have the right.....

QC, why does what I said scare you? Can you really show me any benefit to society alcohol brings other than the ability to sleep with ugly women easier? What benefit does tobacco bring to society besides profit? If you can show the benefit those things brings to us as a people that outweighs the tragedy of destructive behaviour and death, then I will recant everything I have said. Alcohol causes more death and destruction than all other substance abuse combined, yet the rest is illegal. Again, what is the benefit?

All I am saying is the guvment is doing what it is doing because we aren't. I don't like it any more than you do, I just look at the entire situation objectively. I do not live my life with the irrational fear that someone is out to convert me to communism. That mindset worked great in the 50's, but this is the 2000's, and I know better.

"Yes, in the ZmOz-JasonJ world of idiots incapable and worthy of life itself..."

That statement is a staggering revelation of the level of hatred and bigotry you seem to possess. There is nothing scary about what I have said compared to the pedestal you seem to think you are on. Are you so superiour because you are a religious republican? If so, that mindset is not so different than the mindest that a white man is better than a black man, that a righ man is better than a poor man, and that a muslim nation is better than a western nation. A bigot is a bigot, the subject matter of that bigotry is irelevant. Zmoz and I are not worthy of life itself? Just tell me how that mindset is different than those who flew airplanes into building a few years ago? And don't try to talk in circles of righteousness, I am immune to that.
Jun 1, 2005
Re: Does the govt have the right.....

Oh, the girls all get prettier at closing time.......
Looks like there is still plenty of fuel on this fire. :^:^:^:^


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Does the govt have the right.....


What scares me is that you want to ban things right and left because others are incapable of making decisions for themselves. I have never defended Alcohol on these pages, although I have indicated a desire to share some Scotch with Stan_deezy in Edinburgh, and I enjoyed some Scotch in my home last night. I have stated that I think the war on tobacco is overblown. Also I have posted that the level of importance that we display to our children concerning tobacco in public schools seems to indicate a level of priority that I believe is excessive. Primarily I don't like lumping all tobacco uses into the same big bad tobacco company pot. Specifically cigarettes inhaled are not the same thing as Cigars that are not, and I believe strongly that the dangers of second hand smoke have been grossly overstated. But it is OK to lie when there is an agenda, and especially if you are saving someone from their stupid selves, see the relevance?

Somethings are benefits simply because people like them. I would suggest that sex without procreation is not beneficial, I am sure you will argue differently because you enjoy it (so do I BTW) . . . Something does not have to be beneficial to Jason to be a benefit or pleasure to others . . . ;)

Reread what I said with the Jason-Z line, I was actually commenting on your "bigotry" when it gets down to it. It was your comments about other people. I know both of you are smart . . . It is based on your "most people have no idea" and "people are lazy" and Z's "morons around every corner" stuff.

With regard to religion and me, I have said a number of times that I don't even go to church. What I have said, and still strongly believe, is that religion provides the world a set of rules, and specifically that the original values of the US are based on Judeo-Christian values, from the Judeo-Christian Bibles. You can ignore that if you want, however, you cannot dispute it.

The other "religion" based point I have continued to make on these boards is that Science has not disproved the existence of a creator. To me this is a factual statement and has nothing to do with my personal views on religion . . . ;)

BTW, your conclusion that I feel superior and bigoted because I am a "Religious Republican" is more bigoted than anything I have ever posted on this site even though it was written as a question. That is also extremely careless. Frankly, I did not label you, nor call you any names. I simply suggested that I hoped you were drunk for writing such careless words. And yes, what I think you said was careless. It is the thought process that you have indicated that strips us of freedoms, not my choice to vote Republican or my belief that a set of rules to live by is a good thing . . .

I am going to conclude this by saying that I think you are a stand up guy. I think you live a good life based on the things you have posted here and I think you are an asset to this board and this country. I note this not to be a "superior" judge of Jason, only to indicate how I personally feel about you. I thought your post above was scary from a freedom point of view and that was really it.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Does the govt have the right.....

I have this picture of pimply faced punks with jean jacket colors with "sliders" on the back selling crisco to underage kids behind dumpsters. The poor kids using potatos and the rich kids using chicken tenders. And all those "users" carrying fry daddies in their book bags to their parents shame.

Rebels are now defined as french fry eating, dodgeball playing, dregs of society. MMMMMMMMM tough guys.


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: Does the govt have the right.....

I feel what your saying QC, I just shudder when I sense any kind of stealth bigotry. I have seen a lot of people hide behind ideals and espouse beliefs that are thin veils of hatred. I just struggle from time to time with what I think might be good for the individual vs being good for everyone.

Since my wife is a righty I always like to talk with her about stuff that gets discussed here, because I really believe that a lot of the meaning and intent of what people are trying to convey gets lost in the wording. On this particular subject she agrees that banning alcohol and trans fat and yak snouts really is something the guvment should keep their noses out of.

I argue my beliefs on the alcohol thing because while it is a recreational activity for a significant portion of our population, a lot of other illegal drugs and activities are also recreational pastimes. I think we all can agree that the money made off of the industry and the taxes is worth the problems it causes. And yes, it didn't work so well during that whole prohibition thing. I guess I don't know the right answer, because a lot of people need external stimulus, and I don't. Maybe its because I drank like a fish in my late teens/early twenties and realized it was no longer a necessary part of my life that I don't understand why some still need that.

My statement on Religious Republicans does not fit the standards for bigotry because I do not come from a position of hate towards them or feel they are less than myself or those who might think as I do. Most of my friends and all of my inlaws are righty, and there is no conflict. I come from a position of having to always come into these threads and attempt to create balance with those who do have a strong conservative belief system and push that belief system in an aggressive and insulting manner. I don't like to come off insulting, but if that is the languase they understand, then I have to speak that language. You tend to expess your position in a more neutral intellectual manner, but we all know those who come on and just sound shreiky and preachy. Again, that may be how they are, or just how it comes across in the written word. I have had my wife read some of those posts and the term "Oh My God have been expressed quite frequently. I have her read them to make sure I am not the only one who sees it. In the end she just says we have too much time on our hands and why on earth are we not talking about fishing and boating.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who are lazy. Maybe they work hard, maybe they raise their families properly, but they are lazy. I do not exclude myself from this, and maybe that was something I should have said before. There are things I am lazy about. There are things that if the guvment regulated I wouldn't have to think about and that would make my life easier. I don't in my heart, really believe that is the best answer. Socialism just doesn't work, because it goes against our basic need for freedom. All i ever intended on this thread was to present an arguement for why the guvment is doing what it is doing, not whether it is right or wrong, or if it is something I fully agree with. I clearly did not make that point in a manner that was understood, so I will own that. I guess maybe I need to not try to always defend the left from the overly aggressive individuals of the righty persuasion. Like my wife always says, "you go through this every winter".

I still believe alcohol exists only to allow a person to sleep with ugly women easier, and nothing can sway me from that position... :)
Jun 1, 2005
Re: Does the govt have the right.....

Ok, now you two shake hands and let's not have anymore of this talk.....??? ??? ;)8)


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Does the govt have the right.....

"I still believe alcohol exists only to allow a person to sleep with ugly women easier, and nothing can sway me from that position... "

Hey, but don't they need love too? :^


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Does the govt have the right.....

yeah.........shake hands and come out*fight


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Does the govt have the right.....

Well, I came on too strong Jason, and that's what got the mud a flingin'. Sorry for that.

On the alcohol thing, I kinda wish I could drink like a fish and not get drunk. I love good wine and I love good Scotch, I make the best Martini in town and my Margaritas aren't too shabby either. I like all the bar tools, cork screws, shakers, onion and olive garnishes, man the perfect twist is a thing of beauty, and being able to make the perfect drink for the perfect occasion. Just a lot of fun to me. Maybe I'll get a chance to make you a good drink some day. Not to get drunk, to savor. Rock on dude!!!


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: Does the govt have the right.....

Fight! Fight!
Lefty and a right,
the lefty is hefty,
but the right can fight!