OMG ! I think I caught the "disease" from hanging around here !


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 25, 2014
The "old tin" disease !

As you can see from my signature I have a nice ride. Great for small inland lakes. Lately, we have been renting a house on one of the bigger lakes in northern MI (Elk Lake) and if the wind is blowing you really need to stay relatively close to shore. (In some areas that is a problem as there is a lot of stumps.) So now you guys have me thinking about about a second boat. some thing "bigger". 18-20' Maybe 22'. Primary use will be day cruising, swimming, tubing and some fishing. Never fished the Great Lakes but with a 20+' boat it would be possible. I have 5 grandkids, 5 yo and down, so it needs to be deep with lots of seating (open bow, but not locked into that).

Also, I'm not afraid of a long term project. Your restorations actually look like fun (well, from this side of the keyboard).

I think I would like to stay with something built in the 70s-80s (unless that is out of the budget, or you guys can convince me otherwise), but I am so confused with all of the different models. SuperSport, Holiday, Islander, Chieftain, V5 (what ever that means?). Can someone summarize the differences/recommend one that would meet my requirements ?

I general, I like outboards, but I know that they are rare on the bigger boats so I might go with an I/O. (Not a fan of the 120; I would look for a 4.3L from a donor boat). If I was going to spend a lot of bucks on a resto, I would consider a bracketed outboard with a newer Evinrude ETEC or possibly a 4 stroke.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: OMG ! I think I caught the "disease" from hanging around here !

Oh carp, now you've done it.

Decide how you'll use the 'new' to you boat, mostly. Then find a model that is THE ONE, or at least close.

Islander is a cuddy cabin type boat
Chieftain is a cabin cruiser
Starchief is a smaller cabin cruiser
Holiday is a closed bow runabout (smaller versions 14 & 16ft) or closed bow small crusier (18+ft)

Any of those ^^^ could be modified to better suit you, up to & including a complete gut & going topless on an Islander/Chief/Starchief

16SS/18SS etc are open bow runabouts

V5 often refers to the hull shape and may or may not be listed as part of the model name

Look thru Jas list of resto's & the SC brochures, lots of great info in here.

You are likely to get as many recommendations on which boat, as there are SC owners on this forum. The good news is you are at least closer then most to the motherland for decent & lower cost SC's.

Jas has a GREAT tin finding bloodhound way about him, so he'll likely be a great resource. But don't accept any food or beverages from him. <<<<{this message brought to you by the happy Admiral ad council**>>>>
His is most definitely one of a kind, and he certainly won't be attempting a wife swap* any time soon.

* the horrible ABC reality TV show, NOT the other type of swapping. This is a family joint :eek:


May 31, 2010
Re: OMG ! I think I caught the "disease" from hanging around here !

Old tin does have a certain draw to it! Like JB said, look through any of the late 60 ' s or 70's brochures to get an idea for what the models are. Another option not listed is the Mariner, 16'-22' center consoles. The 21' and especially the rare 22' are large, roomy, and outboards. Some 21' Chieftans are as well although they are not nearly as common as the I/O models.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 25, 2014
Re: OMG ! I think I caught the "disease" from hanging around here !

Islander is a cuddy cabin type boat
Chieftain is a cabin cruiser
Okay, to show my ignorance, what is the difference between a "cuddy cabin" and a "cabin cruiser" ?

Just to confuse you all, I have always like the looks for the hardtop Islander. Not really practical for what I want to use it for, but I like it.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: OMG ! I think I caught the "disease" from hanging around here !

In the motherland, it's much more likely that you'll find nearly exactly what you want:

water ready vs project
extremely close to what you think is the ideal SC for you

Most have to find something close (often barely so ~ it's just a good hull) and re-build whatever they can find to buy into their: ONE! You probably won't have that much trouble finding something nearly your ideal. Esp if you aren't in a hurry. If you are looking for bottom feeder pricing & a deal, you may have to wait longer, esp if the water is going to start being ice-free soon. Pricing will likely hold firm & newly listed boats will likely be at a higher price then those offered for sale in the depth of winter snow & ice.

IMO, cuddy cabin is shorter in height & much more compact in every way. A bit over 5ft tall guy may have to stoop while in the cuddy cabin. Usually has a larger cockpit area transom to cuddy bulkhead then a same length cabin cruiser.

Cabin cruiser has space for a bow berth/bed, a head &/or small kitchen space, and a dining table that probably converts to another bed/berth. A 6ft guy might have to stoop, but us average joe's can often stand up while in the cabin of the cabin cruiser. It is usually much bigger in every dimension. And consumes a good bit of the cockpit area from cabin bulkhead to the transom.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: OMG ! I think I caught the "disease" from hanging around here !

Now w/ pix :watermelon: all 1972


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 25, 2014
Re: OMG ! I think I caught the "disease" from hanging around here !

JB - Thanks for the pictures ! I'll have to spend more time looking at the catalog scans from that era.

Other than length and width are there any significant differences in the hull designs ? What is unique about a V5 hull ?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 25, 2014
Re: OMG ! I think I caught the "disease" from hanging around here !

I found this in one of the catalogs.

It appears that the V5 hull simply adds 2 additional strakes below the existing strakes/spray rails. This would stiffen the hull and also make it track straighter under power, and skid less in turns. It might even help minimize rolling when drifting.


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Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: OMG ! I think I caught the "disease" from hanging around here !

Buy it.

Wait, what was the question again?:embarassed::joyous:


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: OMG ! I think I caught the "disease" from hanging around here !

Hey Wizard - I caught the disease from these crazy guys here, too. When I started thinking about getting a small boat to while away retirement, Google dragged me into iboats. For some reason when looking at forum posts, Starcraft related posts seemed to always be at the top of new postings. The next thing you know, I'm one too. :D And to think I was looking for a small cheap glasser cuz I didn't know any better! :eek:

Yeah buy it ! :)


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 4, 2012
Re: OMG ! I think I caught the "disease" from hanging around here !


As one who has owned boats ranging from canoes to trawlers I can truly say that you first need to determine what your main use will be. Whatever you choose will not always be perfect all the time but make sure it is great MOST of the time. Then go for it.

I can say that tin is definitely addicting and the this forum will soon become your fix. A few visits and you are hooked and find you must return often. There is a lot of great experience here and I find the info herein is invaluable.

Good luck in your search.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 25, 2014
Re: OMG ! I think I caught the "disease" from hanging around here !

I can say that tin is definitely addicting and the this forum will soon become your fix. A few visits and you are hooked and find you must return often. There is a lot of great experience here and I find the info herein is invaluable.

At least once a day !


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: OMG ! I think I caught the "disease" from hanging around here !

At least once a day !
The pledge chairman (Jas) will be by directly to up your daily dosing requirements. You CLEARLY haven't yet consumed sufficient Kool-aid ;)


Dec 7, 2010
Re: OMG ! I think I caught the "disease" from hanging around here !

OR posted enough pics of your current SC....:blue:

bob johnson

Rear Admiral
Feb 25, 2009
Re: OMG ! I think I caught the "disease" from hanging around here !

I found this in one of the catalogs.

It appears that the V5 hull simply adds 2 additional strakes below the existing strakes/spray rails. This would stiffen the hull and also make it track straighter under power, and skid less in turns. It might even help minimize rolling when drifting.

it is MORE than jut the extra strakes in 1978 they offered 22ft holiday, as ell as a 22ft Holiday V5....the differeces
the V5 is 7" LONGER.....the beam is 4" WIDER....the height was 8" heigher....the gas tank was 50 gallons instead of 18



Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 25, 2014
Re: OMG ! I think I caught the "disease" from hanging around here !

it is MORE than jut the extra strakes in 1978 they offered 22ft holiday, as ell as a 22ft Holiday V5....the differeces the V5 is 7" LONGER.....the beam is 4" WIDER....the height was 8" heigher....the gas tank was 50 gallons instead of 18

Virtually "thumbing through" some of the online catalogs, there is little if any information on the differences between regular and V5 hulls, specifically length, width and depth.

I am interested in the differences in a late 70s/early80s SuperSport 18' and 22' standard versus V5 hull.