Bilge drain fitting - Whats that stuff?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 5, 2009
This picture shows the bilge drain fitting installed but I have since removed the three screws and fitting. I was attempting to reseal the housing with 3m5200. Looking on the front side it has a thick substance and I would like to add more to the area to eliminate the voids in-conjunction with resealing the fitting.
So my question is what is the stuff shown in the picture?

I am told the nomenclature for this fitting is garboard drain but someone at my local marina say otherwise. Whats it called? Bilge Drain?

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Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Bilge drain fitting - Whats that stuff?

Ayuh,.... The plug is a garboard plug in My book, 'n the white stuff is probably excess resin,...


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 5, 2009
Re: Bilge drain fitting - Whats that stuff?

Why is it sort of an off white in color. Its not marine tex is it?
The gel-coat just forward is bright white. Thanks for the clarification on the nomenclature.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: Bilge drain fitting - Whats that stuff?

Ad bondo says it appears in the pic as well as the video to be drippings of excess resin over heavy woven roving. I'd grind it down a bit and smooth it out and apply a couple of layers of 1708 over the area and then drill out the hole so I'd have a nice flat area for the garboard drain attachment. But that's just me.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 5, 2009
Re: Bilge drain fitting - Whats that stuff?

Ad bondo says it appears in the pic as well as the video to be drippings of excess resin over heavy woven roving. I'd grind it down a bit and smooth it out and apply a couple of layers of 1708 over the area and then drill out the hole so I'd have a nice flat area for the garboard drain attachment. But that's just me.

1708 means more glass layup right?


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: Bilge drain fitting - Whats that stuff?

yep, w 1708


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Bilge drain fitting - Whats that stuff?

I tend to agree with the sanding down to get a smooth, open pore surface, but first I would mix up a bit of mayonnaise consistency, PB [peanut butter, thickened resin] and apply it to fill and smooth the surface of the 1708, then apply a layer or two of 1708 0ver it...

Another thing is to make sure when re-installing the garboard drain and mounting screws, pre-drill the holes and liberally coat the screws, screw holes and drain fitting/opening with 3M 5200...this area tends to stay wet and sealing it up as thoroughly as possible will help slow/prevent the invasion of rot...

Saw the video and my question is...By soft, do you mean the white runny stuff or the area that it is sitting on?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 5, 2009
Re: Bilge drain fitting - Whats that stuff?

I tend to agree with the sanding down to get a smooth, open pore surface, but first I would mix up a bit of mayonnaise consistency, PB [peanut butter, thickened resin] and apply it to fill and smooth the surface of the 1708, then apply a layer or two of 1708 0ver it...

Another thing is to make sure when re-installing the garboard drain and mounting screws, pre-drill the holes and liberally coat the screws, screw holes and drain fitting/opening with 3M 5200...this area tends to stay wet and sealing it up as thoroughly as possible will help slow/prevent the invasion of rot...

Saw the video and my question is...By soft, do you mean the white runny stuff or the area that it is sitting on?

Not soft as in rot but rather rubbery feel to the compound that was applied. Secondly the flap of woven material on bottom of transom has detached and moves. Hard to explain.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: Bilge drain fitting - Whats that stuff?

Secondly the flap of woven material on bottom of transom has detached and moves.

Delamination of fiberglass from the wood structure in a fiberglass boat isn't a good sign and usually means rot behind it. That area would be especially susceptible with the drain plug assembly and any leaks around the assembly. The open weave on the woven roven isn't helping anything either and may be letting water in.

The crack in the circled area also isn't a good sign:

If the white goop feels rubbery, it isn't resin... it's probably a sealant and a sign someone else has attempted to make a Band-Aid repair.

Since you're going to be doing some repairing in that area, I suggest you drill a few holes into your transom there a check the drill shavings for color and moisture. Light color and dry shavings are good, dark and damp not so good.
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