Re: 1977 Starcraft 14' Holiday Restoration has officially begun
So here we are ...
Directly from the back of the boat .. i think this pic still had outboard in second to last tilt adjustment hole ..
right side ..
left side with flat steel bar to show that cavitation plate is within half inch of bottom of boat .. the last few inches of the stern of the boat roll up a little, so if you take that into account, then the cav plate is close to even with the bottom of boat ..
top cyclinder plug .. fowled up kinda because i cant open up wide on the throttle . and i was also putting around waiting at the dock to take boat back out yesterday so thats not good for 2 stokes either .. just idling ..
bottom cyclinder plug .. little cleaner .
I'm leaning heavily on buying these wedges ..
they sell them here on iboats .. they fit between my transom and outboard .. they are fatter on top, and more skinny on the bottom. So the cav plate should have a slight incline at the front, and decline at the rear .. in turn acting as a further tilt, and allowing JUST a TINY bit little more water to come under the cav plate than over, creating a touch of rearward lift .. hopefully stopping my porpoising ..
i feel that when under way, as im cruising, the cav plate may have a slight decline in the front .. in essence 'digging' into the water and bringing the outboard down and bow up .. this is more present when the boat is light up front such as when im alone, or when i hit a wave, and the wave sends the front end of the boat upwards .. in turn begining the 'digging' of the cave plate and sending me on my bouncy bounce ride ..
is my theory sound ?