Polyester or Epoxy...?


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
I know lots of new, and old, boaters are constantly wondering about whether to use Epoxy or Polyester resins on their boats for building and/or repair. I stumbled upon this video that kind of clears it all up for the most part. Watch and see what you think;


Mad Props

Lieutenant Commander
Jul 8, 2016
I never had enough money to have a decision to make lol...

but good video! I've seen that before when people use epoxy with CSM and you get that milky/opaque look and I always wondered if that was the binder not letting the glass wet out and if it was actually making it weaker...

Though after saying that, I'm not sure I really understand why anyone would WANT to use CSM with epoxy... its really only needed with poly to tie roving/cloth layers together... I guess I could see people wanting to use it to cover up the print through but then there are other things you could use for that.