Couple ARRESTED for not Leaving a TIP!! Unbelievable!!

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Sep 14, 2008
Re: Couple ARRESTED for not Leaving a TIP!! Unbelievable!!



Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: Couple ARRESTED for not Leaving a TIP!! Unbelievable!!

Think about it one time. The counter person at McDonald?s is working for minimum wage or thereabouts. Do you really want that same person waiting on you with a table of customers? I'd perfer someone that cares more about my dining experience than how long it is until they can clock out? Someone with something at stake? Working for tips perhaps?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 10, 2009
Re: Couple ARRESTED for not Leaving a TIP!! Unbelievable!!

i would like to say this my wife is a waitress she has done this job since high school. she can normally make about 125 a nite take home cash. i hear all the time about people leaving a crap tip and some that leave a good tip. i believe that she is a good waitress. there is a gratuity added to party's of 6 or more because one server working for 6 people takes time away from their other tables. i understand that much, when you have only four tables that are yours and one table is filled with 6 people, people who need drinks refilled more napkins different food, extra this and extra that it can get increasingly difficult to make the other tables content as well. when she is weeded, as she calls it, she always asks for help from another server. after she always gives a little extra for the help. so if they got bad service, and it was very busy than the server should have asked for help for a large table. if the server was just screwing off then that is different, i have to give a good tip regardless of what kind of place we eat at, be it a restaurant or buffet because of my wife and sister and many friends have been servers. everybody remember that you are not the only table of people that are or were there today. we all have bad days at work and sometimes you can be harsh towards other customers til that angry feeling goes away. there is NO reason to not tip someone who serves you at a sit down restaurant, they rely on your tips for their income. if you get bad service for no good reason then ask for a manager, the manager will reprimand the server for you and probably discount your meal. all things said i dont think you should be arrested for not tipping but that is low class, you talk to someone of a higher power. its not always a servers fault food comes to the table slow, the kitchen makes your food and gets it out when they decide. the server cannot make a cook, cook faster or better. please dont blame your server when something is not cooked right, it is not them who spit in your food but the cooks. if you dont want to leave a tip dont go to somewhere that people serve you. i always tip someone who does a service for me, oil change, tire rotation so on and so forth. i try to go to the same place for service. when you tip them they treat you different when you come back usually better cause you did them a solid. i dont want to start with the stories i hear of PODAS you know its "suppose to be this way or its PODA be that way". they always leave no tip and run servers like sled dogs. a tip is a tip but if you are being waited on you should always tip, even if its just a penny in the bottom of the water glass.


Feb 22, 2008
Re: Couple ARRESTED for not Leaving a TIP!! Unbelievable!!

I hate to say it jonesq, but your examples are far from the norm. Just because the wait-staff in your restaurant made very good money, this is not indicative at all about the rest of the industry. Look at the demographic you were serving -- to quote, "...some tables TIP $250..." When was the last time you went to an IHOP, Applebee's, Chili's, Olive Garden, Red Lobster, or any number of other common high-volume table-service restaurants, and saw someone spend $250 on a tip? Come to think of it, how many people do you know that would even tip $30-$50 on a meal at one of these places? And how many of these places do you think you'd encounter someone who'd been working there, AS A WAITER, for 10 years? Even 5 years?

Like I said before, when my friends and I went out for our prom dinner, the service was EXCELLENT, and the tips reflected this. I think we spent somewhere in the realm of $200 on the tip, NOT INCLUDING the billed gratuity. But to their credit, the restaurant we were at wasn't serving dinner for any less than $30 a plate, and there were 14 of us, with 2 waiters. This comes to a low average of $420 total. Then consider the 15% gratuity that goes to the wait-staff. This comes to $483. So the waiters that night each made at least $130, not including their base pay (which I know for a fact was definitely NOT below minimum wage).

Again, it's all about the demographic. I know a few waiters that make really good money at their jobs -- they are working at high-end restaurants with wealthy clientele. I know far more that make just enough to survive. I personally have a bartender friend who works for a country club back home, and can make between $5000 and $7000 a week, during a good summer week. I also know bartenders who make the equivalent of just above minimum wage, tips included, and they work far harder for their money than my friend. Demographic is king in the world of waiting.

applebees and hojo's aren't the types of operations putting tips on the bills.
Those examples are glorified fast food with table delivery.

Fried egg greasy spoon waitresses do quite well serving breakfast and lunch shifts. Typical take home is $350w/k and they eat free. I could live on that.

"I also know bartenders who make the equivalent of just above minimum wage, tips included"

Never heard of such a thing in any bar anywhere.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 10, 2009
Re: Couple ARRESTED for not Leaving a TIP!! Unbelievable!!

applebees and hojo's aren't the types of operations putting tips on the bills.
Those examples are glorified fast food with table delivery.

Fried egg greasy spoon waitresses do quite well serving breakfast and lunch shifts. Typical take home is $350w/k and they eat free. I could live on that.

"I also know bartenders who make the equivalent of just above minimum wage, tips included"

Never heard of such a thing in any bar anywhere.

$350 a week on one meal a day? I don't know about you, but $1400/mo is pretty small. Shoot, I make more on unemployment than that. Think of this -- let's add up the bills an average waiter/waitress who may be just out of college (a typical situation for many wait-staff out there trying to find a real job). Rent ($500/mo avg), water and trash ($40/mo), electricity ($100/mo), heating gas ($25/mo), cable/internet ($100/mo), cell phone ($80/mo), student loans ($200/mo), food (for the days/hours you AREN'T working = $100/mo), car payments ($200/mo), vehicle gas ($80/mo), entertainment ($50/mo)...the list goes on. Total? $1475, and I haven't even included the unexpected's -- vehicle repairs, emergency travel, doctor bills, vet bills for a pet, etc...

This is a pretty average list for many people between their 20's and 30's, the same demographic that happens to be a good majority of the waitstaff in restaurants. And it already adds up to $75 more than the total monthly income. So what's the first thing to go? Entertainment? Say bye-bye to your friends as they head out the door to go barhopping. What's next? Cable/Internet? Now you're stuck at home with nothing but yourself and your skin mags. You say you could live on $350/wk. Sure, you could SUBSIST on that type of money, even slightly less, especially if you're living with someone. But I'm not talking about simply subsisting, I'm talking about LIVING.

I'm not saying it can't be done, but it sure as hell isn't a long-term solution at those wages.


Nov 3, 2009
Re: Couple ARRESTED for not Leaving a TIP!! Unbelievable!!

...there is NO reason to not tip someone who serves you at a sit down restaurant, they rely on your tips for their income. if you get bad service for no good reason then ask for a managent...
I tip for the quality of service.
If service is lousy, then the tip is lousy.
If service is good, the tip is good.
In the past several years, I have left 2 "lousy" tips and both times, I left a note in the leather bill folder. "Yes, the tip is small. If you would like to know the reason(s) so that your service can be improved, feel free to come by the table and we would be happy to explain."

Years ago, I worked in food and beverage (waiter and then bartender).
As you said, "they rely on your tips for their income" and as such, the quality of their work should reflect that.
I don't reward a subordinate for failing to complete a job.
I don't congratulate a child for earning a failing grade on an exam.
I don't praise a dog for leaving a rocket on the carpet.
If someone performs in a sub-standard manner, the feedback should reflect it.
(Just my opinion.)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 8, 2009
Re: Couple ARRESTED for not Leaving a TIP!! Unbelievable!!

$350 a week on one meal a day? I don't know about you, but $1400/mo is pretty small. Shoot, I make more on unemployment than that. Think of this -- let's add up the bills an average waiter/waitress who may be just out of college (a typical situation for many wait-staff out there trying to find a real job). Rent ($500/mo avg), water and trash ($40/mo), electricity ($100/mo), heating gas ($25/mo), cable/internet ($100/mo), cell phone ($80/mo), student loans ($200/mo), food (for the days/hours you AREN'T working = $100/mo), car payments ($200/mo), vehicle gas ($80/mo), entertainment ($50/mo)...the list goes on. Total? $1475, and I haven't even included the unexpected's -- vehicle repairs, emergency travel, doctor bills, vet bills for a pet, etc...

Perhaps while trying to find a real job, the hypothetical person above should:
1) find a roomate
2) not have a pet
3) apply savings from step 1 and 2 towards emergency nest egg for the unexpected stuff

I was once just out of college making about $1300 / month net and I managed to live pretty well by following the above steps. In a capitalistic economy, workers are paid wages commensurate with the value society places on their job. Most people will give lip service to the idea of higher wages and how waitstaff provide an important service, but when it comes time to open the wallet, it's a different story. I have waited tables before, and empathize with others who currently do that job, but until society has a shortage of waitstaff or that job is lifted to the status of a profession and regarded in high esteem, they will continue to be paid what they are paid. Just my humble opinion.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 10, 2009
Re: Couple ARRESTED for not Leaving a TIP!! Unbelievable!!

Perhaps while trying to find a real job, the hypothetical person above should:
1) find a roomate
2) not have a pet
3) apply savings from step 1 and 2 towards emergency nest egg for the unexpected stuff

I was once just out of college making about $1300 / month net and I managed to live pretty well by following the above steps. In a capitalistic economy, workers are paid wages commensurate with the value society places on their job. Most people will give lip service to the idea of higher wages and how waitstaff provide an important service, but when it comes time to open the wallet, it's a different story. I have waited tables before, and empathize with others who currently do that job, but until society has a shortage of waitstaff or that job is lifted to the status of a profession and regarded in high esteem, they will continue to be paid what they are paid. Just my humble opinion.

Ok, substitute steps one and two of your solution to the situation where the one working is a single parent. Many single parents would never consider a roommate, seeing as you never know people as well as you think you do. And from personal experience, most parents, single or not, do not wish to put the welfare of their child in danger, no matter the level of risk. Either way, the costs of having a child far exceeds the cost of a pet, so even with minor sacrifices, my above argument still applies. Minimum wage is called MINIMUM for a reason. If not everyone in this capitalist society deserves to receive this so-called minimum wage, then why is it called minimum? No matter the value that society places upon their occupation?

I don't place a lot of value on the position of the person at Best Buy who sells me my big screen TV, but I don't believe they should receive any lower wage because of this. Read: someone who works in a position of elective consumerism -- I don't need it, but I want it, same as going out to eat. I could sure cook my own meal, but sometimes it's nice to go out and have someone else cook it for me. Why should society place a lower value on this occupation than any other? It's not like there is a shortage of people working for electronics stores, or any other establishment where people buy what they don't need. So it again begs the question: why do people in this occupation deserve any less guaranteed money? I don't think anyone should have to rely on the mercy of the public to be able to pay their bills or support a child.

As was said by many people earlier, it is not the responsibility of the consumer to make up for the shortcomings of the merchant. If they can't afford to pay their employees minimum wage, then they got into the wrong business, or they have too many employees to split the budgeted pay. A well-run establishment will easily make enough to pay its employees a decent wage, no matter the state of the economy or lack of customers.


Nov 3, 2009
Re: Couple ARRESTED for not Leaving a TIP!! Unbelievable!!

Minimum wage is called MINIMUM for a reason. If not everyone in this capitalist society deserves to receive this so-called minimum wage, then why is it called minimum? No matter the value that society places upon their occupation?
And, for jobs that do not routinely generate tips for their performance, the minimum wage applies.

The US Dep.t of Labor is pretty clear about tipped vs non-tipped and the application of minimum wage laws.
(From their FAQs, question #29.)
So it again begs the question: why do people in this occupation deserve any less guaranteed money? I don't think anyone should have to rely on the mercy of the public to be able to pay their bills or support a child.
If the person is unwilling or incapable of performing their job in such a manner as to routinely earn more than min. wage while waiting tables, I think they need to reconsider taking a different job that DOES pay min. wage.
When I was in the food and beverage industry, everyone I knew (including me) were doing that BECAUSE we could earn far more than we could in a non-tip generating job.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 8, 2009
Re: Couple ARRESTED for not Leaving a TIP!! Unbelievable!!

So it again begs the question: why do people in this occupation deserve any less guaranteed money? I don't think anyone should have to rely on the mercy of the public to be able to pay their bills or support a child.

It think you are misinformed in your understanding of how waitstaff get paid. Under Fair Labor standards, if tipped employees do not make enough tips, in addition to the regular hourly wage, for their average hourly wage to be equal to minimum wage, then the employer must make up the difference. No waiter or waitress will work a shift and not at least get minimum wage. Even if every customer stiffed them. This is how it reads straight from the feds:

"An employer may pay a tipped employee not less than $2.13 an hour in direct wages if that amount plus the tips received equal at least the federal minimum wage, the employee retains all tips and the employee customarily and regularly receives more than $30 a month in tips. If an employee's tips combined with the employer's direct wages of at least $2.13 an hour do not equal the federal minimum hourly wage, the employer must make up the difference."

With gratuities, the employee actually stands a great chance of making more than minimum wage over the course of their shift. During my time as a restaurant asst. manager, it was the exception to the rule that we, the restaurant, would have to make up the difference. The poor sap at Best Buy that started his shift at minimum wage, will end his shift making, well... minimum wage. Between the two, I would rather work for gratuities and have at least a chance of making more.


Sep 14, 2008
Re: Couple ARRESTED for not Leaving a TIP!! Unbelievable!!

And, for jobs that do not routinely generate tips for their performance, the minimum wage applies.

The US Dep.t of Labor is pretty clear about tipped vs non-tipped and the application of minimum wage laws.
(From their FAQs, question #29.)

If the person is unwilling or incapable of performing their job in such a manner as to routinely earn more than min. wage while waiting tables, I think they need to reconsider taking a different job that DOES pay min. wage.
When I was in the food and beverage industry, everyone I knew (including me) were doing that BECAUSE we could earn far more than we could in a non-tip generating job.

Yep, I worked for tips for many years as a server, then a bartender. 20 years ago, working in Ocean City Md, I routinely made $900-$1000 a week, which was awesome money back then.
Yes, there were people who tipped lousy, or not at all, but the people that appreciated my great service made up for those deadbeat, bottom feeders who didn't.
If you work for tips and can't make money, the server/barteneder business is not for you.


Oct 29, 2009
Re: Couple ARRESTED for not Leaving a TIP!! Unbelievable!!

wow thats jacked
the shouldve talked to the mgr first ....

needless to say the tips werent earned by the waiter/tress
but they still got thier mandatory tip from us.

I tip busboys all the time as soon as they bring our coffee etc, and almost always get super service, at the least, from them.

there is no such thing as a mandatory tip !! why on earth would you tip a bus boy, im pretty sure they make minimum wage, and besides, he is bringing your coffee out because hes getting tipped by the waitress to do so.....

did you guys know that the waitresses tip out the bartender at the end of the night ?......and they all tip out the hostess.....

lol, dont mean to ruffle any feathers, but .....ive got a real problem paying for overpriced food, and then being put on the hook for paying the servers salary as well.......


Sep 14, 2008
Re: Couple ARRESTED for not Leaving a TIP!! Unbelievable!!

lol, dont mean to ruffle any feathers, but .....ive got a real problem paying for overpriced food, and then being put on the hook for paying the servers salary as well.......
That's why ou can choose to stay home, and eat and drink there. Then, you don't have to tip anyone, nor pay for "overpriced food." ;)


Oct 29, 2009
Re: Couple ARRESTED for not Leaving a TIP!! Unbelievable!!

in my own defense....when i get great service, ive been known to drop a 400% tip

but on the same hand, if shes a slug, bugs the crap out of me, or leaves my glass empty i wont leave a dime.....

lol, and what rule of the universe causes them to time their "hows everything/can i get ya something" question to be asked right after youve put a fork full of food in your mouth ???


Oct 29, 2009
Re: Couple ARRESTED for not Leaving a TIP!! Unbelievable!!

That's why ou can choose to stay home, and eat and drink there. Then, you don't have to tip anyone, nor pay for "overpriced food." ;)

in australia, they dont tip, and a good waitress makes around 25-30 bucks an hour....and a great steak will run you around 35-45 bucks

in the US a waitress makes 3.12 an hour, and a great steak will run you 35-50 bucks

....i dunno, you do the math

im curious, which is it ? i a dead beat bottom feeder ?...or have i had waitresses in the past that should be looking for new careers ? by that statement alone your saying i should suck it up and pay for bad service......

maybe i should add an extra 20 bucks to my next parking ticket for the underpaid and under appreciated meter maid !

" those deadbeat, bottom feeders who didn't.
If you work for tips and can't make money, the server/barteneder business is not for you."


Sep 14, 2008
Re: Couple ARRESTED for not Leaving a TIP!! Unbelievable!!

in australia, they dont tip, and a good waitress makes around 25-30 bucks an hour....and a great steak will run you around 35-45 bucks

in the US a waitress makes 3.12 an hour, and a great steak will run you 35-50 bucks

....i dunno, you do the math

im curious, which is it ? i a dead beat bottom feeder ?...or have i had waitresses in the past that should be looking for new careers ? by that statement alone your saying i should suck it up and pay for bad service......

maybe i should add an extra 20 bucks to my next parking ticket for the underpaid and under appreciated meter maid !

" those deadbeat, bottom feeders who didn't.
If you work for tips and can't make money, the server/barteneder business is not for you."

What the hell does Australia have to do with the discussion??? :confused::rolleyes:

If you believe the food is over priced, why in the world would you go out to eat?


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
Re: Couple ARRESTED for not Leaving a TIP!! Unbelievable!!

But do you tip at the drive through???
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