Bennett Trim Repair And Auto Pro Install


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Another couple hours floating then decided to go thru complete start to finish set up. After going thru everything again, it will auto retract, but the auto tabs says it s engaged (blue light is on) but does not remember. Nothing ever changes, will call Bennett tomorrow and see what they have to say AGAIN


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009

No, watched the install one. This one brings up one point which I was not written in the manual. Page 24

The idle angle should be set in calm water with the trim tabs fully retracted, and the vessel idling at a fast idle speed, usually about 1500rpm-2000rpm. The boat should be throwing a wake no larger than what would be acceptable in a NO WAKE zone.

The vid shows and says the boats bow should be pointing up, and the boat is putting up a fairly large wake. To get this angle in my cruiser I would need at least 2300 rpm if not a tad more, and will probably be putting out a 2 foot wake.

The last time I did a complete start to finish setup I was in open smooth water. I did get the idle up to 1700 but this is not enough the raise the bow much at all. I can try it again and get the bow up this time to see if it changes anything. I do not plan to redo the trim tab original up down.

The boat weight is 11K and has only one 530HP motor


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Should also add, that my normal planning state is with only the starboard tab down just slightly, port is full up. Don't know if this will have any bearing

Tabman Partner
Feb 21, 2002
One Tab down a bit will not affect the settings, I have had better luck with people following the video!



Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Every time I did a press and hold I got all four corner lights flash

Went out past no wake zone
Sun+All - full stop no movement - flash
Sun+Fav1 - accelerate straight line - flash

Moon+Fav1 - no wake but at 2200 rpm, bow is some in the air - flash
Moon+Fav2 - planning - hand about half way cruising 32mph - flash

Tabs all up - cruising at 35mph, trim boat attitude, press hold FAV1 for 5 seconds. Bring tabs all up, boat list to starboard slightly, quickly press Fav1, light comes on, and I'm still leaning to starboard. Manually trim level, quick press Fav1 and light is on, no change. Start turning the boat around and both tabs start going full down, then start coming back up some but still more than half down. Come out of the turn and tabs still down, and I'm plowing water. I manually bring them up

Stopped for a bit shut motor down, tabs did not retract. Turn key ON then back OFF, they retract.

Go again, throttle up (straight line), takes about 3-4 seconds to get on plane. Reaching optimum plane and then both tabs start going down, then they start coming back up, and come full up. I press Fav1 light come ON but boat is leaning. I try to adjust tabs but they will not operate manually and Fav1 light will not go out. Stop the boat, shut motor off, and turn battery power OFF. When battery power comes back ON Fav1 light is OFF.

When idling forward and Fav1 is light, the auto trim keeps trying to adjust tabs as the wife was walking from one side to the other. So once we are stable again and I'm idling forward about 1200 rpm I press Moon+Fav1 for 5 seconds and get flash. Then throttle up and get the same tabs going down after I'm on plane. I bring tabs manually back up, then lower them just a little more than normal to get the bow down in the water cruising. I press Moon+Fav2 and get a flash.

Did some more throttling up and stopping. The unit NEVER lowered tabs when stopping, but does lower tabs after throttling up but then comes back up. Does lower tabs if I'm in a slightly harder turn (as when turning around) but not a easy one.

Only time I really noticed the blue down and yellow up lights going ON/OFF and adjusting tabs is when I'm just idling. Otherwise the only time they come on is when their going full down or up

I have had better luck with people following the video!

I did, and even before I saw it, except for the bow up part


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Called Bennett, and I'll be receiving another control tomorrow (number 4). Talked a while and this issue is going back to the engineer to have another look. Also was told that the idle no wake should be an idle and No Wake, the vid is in error.

Starting to think this is something unique to Formula and the way the sit and plane. Boat has a 18 degree dead rise and the on plane angle is just about as flat as the sitting still.

A true puzzler


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Installed No 4 and went thru the calibration process. The unit went thru all setups easy with no hang ups. Ran the boat up to speed and adjusted then select Fav1. Gave it a some time and nothing changed, so pushed all up, then selected Fav1 and nothing changed. About 10 seconds later the port tab started going full down and it put the boat in a starboard turn.

Hit trim up and no change, then slowed down and hit all up and tabs came up. Its windy so I head back and select Fav1 again, nothing happens. Get back to no wake zone and slow down. I'm idling along and find both tabs have gone full down. Going to try and go out tomorrow and do some more testing


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Tried again today. The unit will not put tabs down when getting on or coming off plane. Still a little windy but not bad. Pressed Fav1 and nothing happened, after a bit, I trimmed manually the selected Fav1. Upon pressing the button quickly the tabs stayed where they where.

Less than a minute later the waves were kicking up as coming around a bend and the tabs started going down on both sides. Was a bit bow down but not bad so left it be. After fishing the slight turn the tabs came up a bit but still bow down some. Then all at once both started going full down, and I'm plowing water. Pressed one of the tabs to try and get it up but nothing. Then pushed All UP and the Fav1 light went out and tabs came up.

It does auto retract when key is off. Starting to look like this just isn't going to work with other then auto retract


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
OK been more then a month and still not working

If Fav is selected and it does start doing auto trim, things can go wild. One time both tabs went full down one at a time, causing me to pull throttles back and stop. Kept pushing other keys so it would disengage but no effect. After stopping and some more pushing of buttons, it stopped doing anything. I turn battery switch off/on and auto retract brought tabs back up, this did not happen when I turned the motor off.

Called Bennett and was told I need new switches and would call me back, no call

Few days later I call and ask status and was told, the one guy is only one in the office and was unable to get info froom production. Said sorry and hope maybe I get some thing later.

Two weeks later (today) I call and was told they are going to send me an entire new setup (control, cable and switches) and confirmed my phone number. Will call me back. Well no phone call but maybe tomorrow

Did try to confirm, placement of controller, and all things been doing as not an issue. Was told this is not an issue and installing on the transom is not an issue.

Sure hope it works some day and finding a bad component and having to pay to send a component back is one thing, but I've been paying to send things back several times for the same items. This is not my fault, this is a defect in design. So far I'm out an additional $60 for the issues.

BTW, I have never once been called back

Tabman Partner
Feb 21, 2002
I am forwarding this to the factory!

Tom McGow
Bennett Marine


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Installed complete all new system, this makes number 5 on the controllers. Did use the new connection cable (between switches and controller) but did not run it as permanent. The cable is just to hard to install, so I ran it above the deck to connect for this install. Ran thru the setup, and got my flashes just like it says.

Get boat running on plane, adjust trim a tad on starboard side to flat it out. Push and hold FAV1 for more then 5 seconds, and release button. Once released the starboard tab retracts full up. OK, I'\m leaning to starboard a tad, start to turn around (to port) and after about 1/2 way the port tab comes down a bit, this looks good.

Straighten out and it goes back to all up. Slow and stop the boat (FAV1 still lit). Throttle up and both tabs start to go down (hay this is good light its should do) and come down about 1/2 before I'm on plane and speed is up. All good, for about 5 to 7 seconds, then both tabs start going back down and not stopping, they go full down and I'm nose down doing about 30 mph. I touch "ALL UP" and slow the boat because its getting squirrelly.

I'm done for today, will see about doing some more testing tomorrow.


Feb 22, 2005
You're certainly putting the time in on this.
Have you seen other boats where this system works properly?


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Sure haven't other then the factory demo vid. I posted it on the Formula forum in an attempt of finding someone which has installed one, but so far nothing


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Went out today and its more of the same. Think I need to take my Go Pro with me next time for a vid.

If I push FAV1 after I'm on plane most the time the tabs retract and I start leaning a bit. If I continue on and start turning a bit it will start to adjust tabs but not much and will not always keep the boat level once coming out of a turn.

This is after I slowed to a stop and was on plane for about 10 seconds. The tabs went down a bit while taking off, then came back up. 10 seconds later they went full down.
Note: it looks like some of the LEDs are out in the middle, but doesn't stay that way.

After pressing ALL UP and then FAV1 again its starting to work. Don't need the port trim, and now looks like one of the upper LEDs is out, but may be just the sun light

Cruising OK for about 20 seconds


Then it does it again, annd I can see all LED
Have a heck of a lean to starboard


This is me idling in at the dock going to my slip



Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Hey Tabman I posted this on the Formula forum and someone read the new manual online and that manual is different then the one I installed to, and is also different then the one that came with my last system. Here is a pic of the manual and the last control I just removed.


Now here is the new image and wording that is online only, and also note the pic and wording. Its stating it needs to be mounted horizontal and parallel with the keel. This could be a game changer. Without you going online a reading the new one this would not have been known.

Tech support and my manual said it could be mounted in any location or orientation so long as its ridged

ATP manual 081718.jpg

Another note can also be to clarify the planing mode calibration. The manual I have says place tabs 1/2 down, and the online says Full Down

new planning angle.jpg

Tabman Partner
Feb 21, 2002
Can you send me your name? I have been talking with tech and they want to look up your returns. I will send tis to them as well!

Tabman Partner
Feb 21, 2002
Factory says the online instructions are most current and should be used. Please get your name to me so they can look up the return history.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Factory says the online instructions are most current and should be used. Please get your name to me so they can look up the return history.

Gee wiz, on line is better then info just sent from the factory, and sent you a PM
The tech I've been working with has taken my info (he said) to the engineer a few times. Have mentioned how the controller is installed several times. If it comes down to I need to move the controller, that can be done