Very nicely done and you will easily be shaving time off of that! Your rails are different than mine (the pieces you added on last. Mine are one long piece for each side so all the floorboards must be very well aligned to get them on. A roayal pain int the .... Anyway, glad you got er done and from the appearance I think you may actually be good to keep those boards because they seem a little easier. Hope you got out. Will check in with you later to see. Whish I wasn't in this office!!!! Next week baby!!!
Assembling process is quite good, some issues :
1-Are 4 stringers same exact size, or are 2 short, 2 long, if so, you need to install them at X locking position : short-long, long short when facing each other, if not installed that way will achieve hinge effect on floorboard. Will end breaking wooden panel alum rail, at the point other side.
4-Cracked floor could be product of placing beach chair there ?
5-If that Zoom 350 has Halkey Roberts air valves a hand pump with hauge would be much better for top air inflation, you can always put more weight on handle than doing same with pump, besides constant foot inflation will give knee issues. Most people have inflating issues at less than 3.0 psi with foot pumps.
Happy Boating
You know this video might make me rethink the hard floors since that didn't look to hard. People almost always triple estimate the time it takes to do something but with a video you have that little clock ticking.
Looking at it very closely again I think you have your floor upside down according to the instructions that came with my boat.
I'm gonna try to get a pic of my manual and post it up later. It's definately telling me to put my floors in the opposite side up of the way you did it in the video.