Re: You got to read this, they're eating themselves alive!
Does someone think Rush holds an elected office? Is it thought that Republicans, like the democratic sheep , only get their ideas from the talking heads?
Some of us care not about what Rush spews.
Facts scooter. That's what I like to deal with. Not emotion. Libs deal with emotions. Funny little survey was recently performed. A polling organization polled registered voters, of the two major parties. (sorry Libertarians, not you). Of the two, it was found that republicans, of ALL economic levels, on average, gave more money yearly to charity than Democrats. When asked the reason, the Dem response, at ALL levels, was that they shouldn't have to provde charity, that was basically the governments function.
THAT is the fundamental difference. You can type all you want and chew it any way you want. Democrats believe that THEY know better what to do with America's money, collectively, and that we should be taxed so social welfare and other idiotic programs can be funded.
Sorry, I don't buy that. I have family that needs help, I'm there. Church members? I'm there. You need my time? I'm there. You ask me for asistance, if I can give it? I'm there. HOWEVER, You tax me and MANDATE that I help the sick, lame, lazy, ignorant and just plain lackadaisacal shiftless t*rds that flock to the handout party? I'm not there. Just like you guys are always hollering about freedom, I want the freedom to choose what I GIVE my charitable contributions to. I shouldn't be taxed cause a Dem somehow thinks their social welfare program for crack babies is a burden we should all share. The mother took crack. The mother chose to stay in her environment. Dont' hand me that crap about not being able to do anything differently. I saw too many kids in the Army there to better themselves. Most succeeded.
If you want something in this country I don't buy that you can't get it without a government handout. You want it, you can get it.
Yep, as stated a few hundred lines ago. Give me facts. Not feelings. No offense to those that have or haven't served, but after my third time in a combat zone, my BS filter is stuck on high. I can't tolerate stupidity anymore. Nor can I tolerate people that have never stuck their neck out for anything other than theri own selfish butt telling me how they're going to tax me to pay for someone else.
If you guys had an intelligent argument I might listen. But Bush did this, Bush did that, 8 people fired...OMG!!!
Lord, I watched my mother waste away over a 15 year period from Alzheimers. I'd rather be inflicted with that hideous disease than be aflicted with a deisre to vote democrat.