You got to read this, they're eating themselves alive!


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Someone posted a link to the youtube video that accurately portrayed Queen Hill as the Orwellian devil. It was all assumed that it was put out by the 'evil right wing' conspirators.

Guess again! It was Barrack Obama bin Ladins camp that did it. What a hoot. I guess there is no honor amongst comrades.8)

On second thought, it was probably the repressed, evil, greedy white european male side of him that was responsible. Certainly, no maligned, downtrodden, abused minority could have ever conceived of such a dastardly video.:^


Jan 13, 2006
Re: You got to read this, they're eating themselves alive!

Actually Boom this comes as little or no suprise to me at all. The liberal democrat's have jepodarized this country at a time of conflict placing there own selfish belief's and gain's in front of USA.

Quite a while back i made a post stating how history work's, it generallly the same time after time, that is revolution eat's it's own children, and so it begin's

Morally corrupt and standing for little or nothing at all, has been the mantra of the other side, soon we shall see, i for one believe the voice of reason has been trampled and left crippled by this crowd.........:'(;fid=20;gtid=1263855;gpid=1264522#gpid1264522 Same old chit

Just a opinion your mileage may vary..........


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: You got to read this, they're eating themselves alive!

But the Rank and File keep drinking the Kool-Aid. Any thing and every thing that sounds kind, caring, fair or tolerant, regardless of how it measures up to the human experience. It is their ticket to valhala.


Re: You got to read this, they're eating themselves alive!


You have a PM.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: You got to read this, they're eating themselves alive!

DJ said:

You have a PM.

It must have gotten lost in bbBoardV2 cyber space DJ. I didn't see any such.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 4, 2004
Re: You got to read this, they're eating themselves alive!

Tail_Gunner said:
Morally corrupt and standing for little or nothing at all, has been the mantra of the other side, soon we shall she, i for one believe the voice of reason has been trampled and left crippled by this crowd.........:'(

You MUST be talking about the red party over the last few years!


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 4, 2004
Re: You got to read this, they're eating themselves alive!

Boomyal said:
But the Rank and File keep drinking the Kool-Aid. Any thing and every thing that sounds kind, caring, fair or tolerant, regardless of how it measures up to the human experience. It is their ticket to valhala.

And so went all the lead-me-around-by-the-nose and I-can't-think-for-myself repubs led by the pompous windbag rush. It's time for America to THINK for itself and the good of everyone, not just your party, your friends, or in the case of the red party, corporate America.


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: You got to read this, they're eating themselves alive!

Boomyal said:
But the Rank and File keep drinking the Kool-Aid. Any thing and every thing that sounds kind, caring, fair or tolerant, regardless of how it measures up to the human experience. It is their ticket to valhala.

Boobyall, you missed a few. The feelings of a good Liberal are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. And what's wrong with that?


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 4, 2004
Re: You got to read this, they're eating themselves alive!

Did you fall off your meds? You know the feel good ones used by the talking head pompous windbag? I mean you seem to have a seething hatred for anyone who dares to oppose king george.

And your crack about Obama (bin laden) was totally uncalled for and in very poor taste. Even you should be ashamed. But then again he opposes the establishment of corrupt, corporate pandering republican bush administration so there's your seething hatred again.
I wish you a speedy recovery to tolerance, kindness respect and fair-mindedness.
Oh! Wait! Those are Democratic values.8)


Nov 30, 2006
Re: You got to read this, they're eating themselves alive!

BoatBuoy said:
Boomyal said:
But the Rank and File keep drinking the Kool-Aid. Any thing and every thing that sounds kind, caring, fair or tolerant, regardless of how it measures up to the human experience. It is their ticket to valhala.

Boobyall, you missed a few. The feelings of a good Liberal are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, [colour=green]faithfulness[/colour]], [[colour=orange]gentleness, and self-control.[/colour] And what's wrong with that?

Hmmm BB, [colour=green]If all these wonderful feelings n' fuzzy stuff is what modern Liberals are made of how do ya 'splain the record number of Democrat votes in 2004 for ol' John F Kerry, (I guess you are trying ta generalize the Left's most recent icon as loyal n' faithful)?:}, guess ya missed the early seventies Senate testamony eh BB? [/colour] [colour=orange]That said, do ya think the most recent Democrat President n' First Lady exemplifies "gentleness and self-control":}? Whatcha been smokin' BB can I get some?[/colour] JR


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 12, 2007
Re: You got to read this, they're eating themselves alive!

demsvmejm said:
Did you fall off your meds? You know the feel good ones used by the talking head pompous windbag? I mean you seem to have a seething hatred for anyone who dares to oppose king george.

And your crack about Obama (bin laden) was totally uncalled for and in very poor taste. Even you should be ashamed. But then again he opposes the establishment of corrupt, corporate pandering republican bush administration so there's your seething hatred again.
I wish you a speedy recovery to tolerance, kindness respect and fair-mindedness.
Oh! Wait! Those are Democratic values.8)

Democratic Values? Are you smoking crack? I've yet to meet a dem that wasn't in touch with their feminine side, unless they were female. You can make fun of a Republican and use terms like King George all day long, but in the end, the Republican hasn't changed much over the years. We have core values we stand by.

Dems sell themselves out to the highest bidder daily.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 14, 2007
Re: You got to read this, they're eating themselves alive!

So, Demsvmejm.
It's ok to insult Rush but Boomyall should be ashamed for insultin Obama?
Keep livin the dream.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 14, 2007
Re: You got to read this, they're eating themselves alive!

And your crack about corporate Republicans is a bit hypocritical too. Wanna guess how many Dems are in the corporate hip pocket?


Oct 8, 2003
Re: You got to read this, they're eating themselves alive!

BoatBuoy said:
Boobyall, you missed a few. The feelings of a good Liberal are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. And what's wrong with that?

I know that you are young, but if you are going to hang out with us old dogs, you can expect this type of a reply.

So, if that is really how you feel, you won`t mind if I come over and take your computer and playstation. I will expect a kiss on my cheek when I leave. Study a "REAL" history book, one that was written more than 20 years ago. You may find out why this country is what it is.


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: You got to read this, they're eating themselves alive!

LubeDude said:
BoatBuoy said:
Boobyall, you missed a few. The feelings of a good Liberal are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. And what's wrong with that?

I know that you are young, but if you are going to hang out with us old dogs, you can expect this type of a reply.

So, if that is really how you feel, you won`t mind if I come over and take your computer and playstation. I will expect a kiss on my cheek when I leave. Study a "REAL" history book, one that was written more than 20 years ago. You may find out why this country is what it is.

Grasshopper, I am probably your senior by at least 10 years.

The reference IS from a real history book. It's called The Bible, Galatians 5:22, written by the apostle Paul. For those familiar, it's referred to as the Fruit of the Spirit. And if you don't know, it's much older than a measly 20 years. Many believe that's what this country was founded on.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 4, 2004
Re: You got to read this, they're eating themselves alive!

Gabby said:
demsvmejm said:
Did you fall off your meds? You know the feel good ones used by the talking head pompous windbag? I mean you seem to have a seething hatred for anyone who dares to oppose king george.

And your crack about Obama (bin laden) was totally uncalled for and in very poor taste. Even you should be ashamed. But then again he opposes the establishment of corrupt, corporate pandering republican bush administration so there's your seething hatred again.
I wish you a speedy recovery to tolerance, kindness respect and fair-mindedness.
Oh! Wait! Those are Democratic values.8)

Democratic Values? Are you smoking crack? I've yet to meet a dem that wasn't in touch with their feminine side, unless they were female. You can make fun of a Republican and use terms like King George all day long, but in the end, the Republican hasn't changed much over the years. We have core values we stand by.

Dems sell themselves out to the highest bidder daily.

These characteristics were attributed to the evil liberals (read democrats) by Boomyal himself, so I did not initiate the assumption.
And I guess you are right, the redumblicans haven't changed their positon of all for corporate America and to heck with the general average citizen for years, at least since they wrestled control of congress (and their own corruption) back in the Clinton era. And those core values have nothing to do with what is right, just or compassionate, unless you define those terms through the wealthy and well-connected sect's interpreters.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 4, 2004
Re: You got to read this, they're eating themselves alive!

Kalifornyakid said:
So, Demsvmejm.
It's ok to insult Rush but Boomyall should be ashamed for insultin Obama?
Keep livin the dream.

Apples to oranges but hey, anything for the cause right? When it comes to the red party, no spin no matter how inflammatory or viscious is off limits.

But so you can understand the difference in references:

My opinion...."Rush Limbaugh is a self-righteous, pompous, arrogant waste of oxygen." That is an attack on the dopehead himself, based on him, and his actions.

Boomyal's desperate attack..."Barrack Obama bin Ladin..." That is a defaming characteriziation of someone by associating them with another unrelated individual. There is no excuse for that. At least when the left compared king george to Hitler, the comparison was clear, with examples. The association made it seem like Obama was the same as, as bad as OBL. The bush-Hitler association (read in these revered threads) compared, said the actions were similar, not the same. Understand yet? Or has the desperation of the red party and the inability to think for yourself disabled your thought processes?

And I truly dislike the assumptions that anyone who disagrees with baby bush is a traitorous Democrat. I am worse, I am an independent thinking VOTER, the type most feared by both parties, but more by the deperate redumblicans.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 14, 2007
Re: You got to read this, they're eating themselves alive!

So enlighten me. Why is it ok to "insult" but not ok to "defame"? Is that part of the "shades of gray" and "everythings relative" phsyco-babble?

" Boomyal's desperate attack..."Barrack Obama bin Ladin..." That is a defaming characteriziation of someone by associating them with another unrelated individual. There is no excuse for that. At least when the left compared king george to Hitler, the comparison was clear, with examples."

Actually it was unfounded BS that was based on spin, a perfect example of the inflamatory, viscios spin you attribute to us.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 12, 2007
Re: You got to read this, they're eating themselves alive!

Does someone think Rush holds an elected office? Is it thought that Republicans, like the democratic sheep , only get their ideas from the talking heads?

Some of us care not about what Rush spews.

Facts scooter. That's what I like to deal with. Not emotion. Libs deal with emotions. Funny little survey was recently performed. A polling organization polled registered voters, of the two major parties. (sorry Libertarians, not you). Of the two, it was found that republicans, of ALL economic levels, on average, gave more money yearly to charity than Democrats. When asked the reason, the Dem response, at ALL levels, was that they shouldn't have to provde charity, that was basically the governments function.

THAT is the fundamental difference. You can type all you want and chew it any way you want. Democrats believe that THEY know better what to do with America's money, collectively, and that we should be taxed so social welfare and other idiotic programs can be funded.

Sorry, I don't buy that. I have family that needs help, I'm there. Church members? I'm there. You need my time? I'm there. You ask me for asistance, if I can give it? I'm there. HOWEVER, You tax me and MANDATE that I help the sick, lame, lazy, ignorant and just plain lackadaisacal shiftless t*rds that flock to the handout party? I'm not there. Just like you guys are always hollering about freedom, I want the freedom to choose what I GIVE my charitable contributions to. I shouldn't be taxed cause a Dem somehow thinks their social welfare program for crack babies is a burden we should all share. The mother took crack. The mother chose to stay in her environment. Dont' hand me that crap about not being able to do anything differently. I saw too many kids in the Army there to better themselves. Most succeeded.

If you want something in this country I don't buy that you can't get it without a government handout. You want it, you can get it.

Yep, as stated a few hundred lines ago. Give me facts. Not feelings. No offense to those that have or haven't served, but after my third time in a combat zone, my BS filter is stuck on high. I can't tolerate stupidity anymore. Nor can I tolerate people that have never stuck their neck out for anything other than theri own selfish butt telling me how they're going to tax me to pay for someone else.

If you guys had an intelligent argument I might listen. But Bush did this, Bush did that, 8 people fired...OMG!!!

Lord, I watched my mother waste away over a 15 year period from Alzheimers. I'd rather be inflicted with that hideous disease than be aflicted with a deisre to vote democrat.