yet another 125 problem


Seaman Apprentice
Feb 2, 2012
2002 125 saltwater, the same day my trim, broke. Before launching, i let my buddy start the boat and idle near the launch and then just pick me up.......instead of takn up the dock space. Him not knowing how to start a cold 2 stroke, ( tryn for a solid 5 min with no choke, or advancing the throttle). i got in the boat, and put it to fast idle, i managed to get it going. but it had a strong fuel smell. After the engine warmed up (2 miles of no wake) i hammered it, and like usual jumped up on plane, but running Trimed out at WOT it would miss, or stumble. If i brought back the throttle by 1-200 rpm it would stop. WOT for me is 5k even. iss it possible the plugs ar fouled, but if they are it wouldnt make sense to me that it would run smooth at all other rpms. Any ideas?