Year and model of harbercraft 12 ft tin boat


Oct 9, 2012
I recently bought a 12 ft HARBERCRAFT aluminium cartop boat at a garage sale. The tag on the transom has the numbers237887. It has another impression MHS 12A. Yet another F 971. It states it will carry 625 lbs and maxes out at 10 H/P. The boat was built for sale by Sears in Canada and has a decal on either side of the bow about 2inches in diameter that says SEARS on it. I would like to know the model and year. Thanks for your help. I originally bought it to carry on top of my full size Ford van when pulling the travel trailer as a wind break, but the CEO (wife) now thinks it would be a heck of an idea to use it for fising as well. These ideas almost always become reallity so I will have to register it Im guessing.