Re: Yamaha vs Honda--Please Help This??!!
Hi, Jackrabbit. <br /><br />Yes, Honda and Yamaha offer EFI engines, but only in 115hp or above. <br /><br />The "Bigfoot" is a special gearcase and gearset for operating heavy boats at low to moderate speeds more efficiently with a larger, lower pitch prop.<br /><br />If your previous 50 ran your "toon" as quickly as you want it to, consider sticking with a 50. BUT: If your "toon" can handle as much as 115hp, you can use an EFI Yamaha or Honda and get more efficient operation while having extra HP available if you should need it.<br /><br />Unlike 2 strokes, which operate most efficiently at high rpm, 4 strokes operate very efficiently at all rpm.<br /><br />Red sky at night. . .<br />JB