For the first time I foolishly stored my 1989 90hp Yamaha tilted up this past winter. I had the boat shrink wrapped but had to trailer it home and can only do that with the motor up.<br /><br />Now one of the trim rams is weeping very slightly and I have had to top up the oil reservoir. The other trim ram and tilt ram are fine.<br /><br />I contacted my local dealer to see if I could get a seal kit for the trim rams and if I could hire/borrow any special tools needed. They want $245 for parts and $280 for labour, but suggested I leave it and see if the leak stops when I get the boat in the water and start using it more.<br /><br />I don't have my service manual here in Mexico, but from memory I'm sure with the correct tool you can pull the end caps off the trim rams and replace the seals. Anyone performed this work and can advise how difficult it was.<br /><br />I have seen Auto Transmission Conditioning Fluid in the auto parts stores that supposedly stops leaks. Has anyone tried this and would recommend it before pulling the T&T apart.<br /><br />Thanks in advance,<br />Peter