Yamaha stern drive - year and problems


Oct 4, 2005
Just bought a 1992 Celebrity with a 5.0 Yamaha I/O. 1) Nameplate on bottom of gimble hard to read but looks like 111-D C14 P CC3495. Can any one tell me the model year and any other info about this I/O? The I/O was recently serviced with new boots. 2)Problem - the I/O "flops" by as much as 30 degrees of arc without moving the steering linkage inside the hull. It flops in only one direction depending on the direction the drive was last steered. 3)Problem - the tach shows 2400 at WOT and it feels like it. Boat was purchased from a private party and towed over 300 miles on the basis of the marina having "checked it out" and pronounced A-OK.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Yamaha stern drive - year and problems

His post is fine here boatgrunt he has a Yamaha I/O, not an outboard. The board you linked to is for outboards, not I/O's<br /><br />ewk<br />If you have broken steering, how are you steering when doing your WOT tests?


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 2, 2004
Re: Yamaha stern drive - year and problems

Welcome to the yamaha club, I also have a 1992 stern drive, Although my steering is not as loose as yours, there is extra play when I turn the wheel, my mechanics tell me its not worth fixing, every yamaha that I have run across has had that steering problem. Just wishing you good<br />luck and to bad the marina didn't do there damn job. Hopefully they still make the part you need


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Yamaha stern drive - year and problems

ooohhh boy. most likly problem on the steering is the tiller to gimbal ring. some of the parts are still avalible others are not. have one person hold the helm still, another push the drive left and right while you observe the tiller either through the transom trim switch or from the inside of the hull. if its what I suspect maake sure parts are availible before dissasembly. I haave had 1 welded up and remachined. its time consuming but not difficult.<br /> if the trim switch wont seal then you can have the hole welded shut. depends on the anount of corrosion on the seal surface.<br /> the rest of the motor is mostly striaght fwd standard trouble shooting.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 28, 2005
Re: Yamaha stern drive - year and problems

Sorry Don S/ewk - I should have trusted my instinct and kept my mouth shut. I just didn't see any responses...

Capt Ken

Jul 30, 2002
Re: Yamaha stern drive - year and problems

Loosen the two phillips head screws on trim switch, rotate half a turn and pull the trim switch out so you can see the pinching bolt on the tiller arm. You may be able to tighten the bolt enough to tighten up the steering some. If not then the pin and tiller arm will need to be replaced. As for year, ain't nowhere on the unit. They were only built in the years 89 and 90. Older units had manual fuel pumps, newer ones had electric. They were stock piled by boat builders and used thru 95. As for the tach reading, could be engine, could be prop.


Oct 4, 2005
Re: Yamaha stern drive - year and problems

Thanks for the responses. Sorry for the delay in acknowledging bit I was driving through the remnants of the latest storm from Maryland to NY. I would never have done so except that I have an appointment with a recommended mechanic on Monday to look at the I/O. The responses were not encouraging. I may have to go through the legalities of recinding the purchase if the repair costs are too high. But...I like the boat. Any thoughts on the practicality and cost of replacing the Yamaha with a Mercruiser? The Yam is a Chevy 5.0l (I believe). Again, I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks.