Yamaha Starting Procedure


Seaman Apprentice
Jan 27, 2009
I've got a '99 Yamaha 150 Saltwater Series, Model#S150TXRX. When it sits for over a week it takes appx. 5-7 minutes to start, wanted to see if anyone could recommend a starting procedure. Here's what I'm currently doing:

-Pull manual choke
-Prime bulb till hard
-Attach lanyard, press in electronic choke, then turn over for no more than 5 seconds. Wait a few seconds then try again.

For the first 7-8 times no even a sputter, then it'll sputter a little, then eventually start, once started I push in manual choke. Now once it starts it runs great all day, just touch the key and it turns over. I did clean out the fuel/water seperator today, had some debris in it, but not too bad. I always add Stab-Lizer to fuel tank.
I've also primed the bulb, then pulled manual choke with the same results.

Any thoughts?


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 25, 2007
Re: Yamaha Starting Procedure

stupid question but are you pushing the key in to choke it whilst turning i.e holding it in all the time till it fires? my yamaha was a pig to start till i worked out that you have to push/hold and turn all at the same time. its easy to push the key in then release it as you turn the key to start it.

robert graham

Apr 16, 2009
Re: Yamaha Starting Procedure

maybe your electronic choke isn't working. my Yamaha 90C has that choke and I guess it works but really can't tell by any sound or other indication. my motor usually starts up pretty quick from a cold start, then instantly the rest of the day, like yours. maybe check that electronic choke to be sure it's actually working. good luck!


Seaman Apprentice
Jan 27, 2009
Re: Yamaha Starting Procedure

I am pushing, holding and turning the key at the same time. I know the mechanical choke works, I had the cover off today and could see the carbs open when manual choke was pulled, 3 out of 6 carbs by the way, don't know why the other 3 carbs don't open up, there is no linkage there. I assume electric choke works, but don't know how I would check.


Jun 15, 2009
Re: Yamaha Starting Procedure


I have a 1994 Yamaha 140HP. had the same problems as you but nowadays i got used to it. heres what i do..

1. Make sure you prime bulb till hard.
2. attach lanyard
3. Press, turn and start (keeping the electronic choke pressed) until it is on the verge of starting and let go as soon as it coughs up.

Note that
a) i do not use the manual coke as well.
b) i do not try revving it up otherwise it wont start.
c) if it doesn't start up after the first try i DO NOT use the choke again. i simply try starting normally without throttle.

Hope this helps


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Yamaha Starting Procedure

proper starting procedure for the s150 and the 140 is, trim the motor down, pump up the bulb, advance the throttle so it will start about 1500 RPM then turn the key on, depress the key or the choke toggle, and while keeping the choke engaged crank the engine.
2 strokes with carbs and choke shutters simply dont like to start cold without applied throttle AND choke.
the 90c has prime start which only requires the key to be placed in the start position.
the s150TXRX and the 140 require operator participation to crank cold.


Seaman Apprentice
Jan 27, 2009
Re: Yamaha Starting Procedure

Thanks for the replies, I will try suggested procedures and let you know of outcome. One issue I do have is I am unable to advance throttle while in nuetral. I have read the procedure for the type of throttle I have, however when I depress buttom and attempt to advance throttle it will not move forward. It will depress, but just not advance.


Seaman Apprentice
Jan 27, 2009
Re: Yamaha Starting Procedure

Rodbolt, followed your procedure of holding in the manual choke for a few seconds, then turning key, saw a noticeable improvement. I don't manually choke it now, just use the electronic choke.



Jun 12, 2009
Re: Yamaha Starting Procedure

Maybe a stupid question but is the lanyard thing you guys are talking about mean the clip/fuel line that attachs to the outboard? So i should unclip it before sqeezing the prime bulb till hard then reattach it and start???

robert graham

Apr 16, 2009
Re: Yamaha Starting Procedure

lanyard is small black plastic removable clip directly under starter key switch that acts as an emergency cut off if you are thrown from the boat...of course it only works if the lanyard is attached to your wrist/arm/clothing.

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: Yamaha Starting Procedure

since I can't tell any difference when I use the electric choke (push key in) is there a simple way to see if it's working--for example, should you see linkage move when you use it as you do with the manual?

My 2003 150 TXRB does not respond at all to the electric choke. It likes to be manually choked. I have to use the warm-up (throttle advance) sometimes even on restarting when hot. When cold, it does not like to hold the idle; sneezes/off; requires a lot of revving--more than a newer motor should. Fuel new and treated, new seperator, new plugs. when hot, will sneeze/off at idle. Idle is around 700.


Jun 15, 2009
Re: Yamaha Starting Procedure

rodbolt, i tried your suggestion below on my 140 Yammi 2 stroke 1994..

proper starting procedure for the s150 and the 140 is, trim the motor down, pump up the bulb, advance the throttle so it will start about 1500 RPM then turn the key on, depress the key or the choke toggle, and while keeping the choke engaged crank the engine.
2 strokes with carbs and choke shutters simply dont like to start cold without applied throttle AND choke.
the 90c has prime start which only requires the key to be placed in the start position.
the s150TXRX and the 140 require operator participation to crank cold.

This procedure is working fine for me when the motor has been running for a while and then cools off for anywhere between 2-5hours.
once it's been off for, say, 2 or 3 days and i use the above procedure it does not start up. it coughs and nearly starts up for 3-4 times and then just keeps turning without starting up.
When this happens i have to leave it 'calm down' for around 5 mins and try again only for it to do the same thing over again.

I noticed that the only way to start it up (after like 20mins) is to leave it for 5-10mins and then starting up without throttle applied and without choke. Once it starts up, i slowly apply throttle to around 1300-1500rpm (with a huge cloud of white smoke obviously)

Now it must be noted, that before this started happening i had to clean the carbs (with carb cleaner spray & carb cleaner additive to fuel tank).

This Yammi works perfectly fine once it is started up and never troubled me in any way. I also changed the spark plugs last week and made sure that the spacing is 1.0mm as per manual. i noticed that the spark plugs wer a little bit wet but i presume this is normal once it is taking so long to start up when cold and it gets flooded..

appreciate any help on this subject,