yamaha spits and sputters

fin addict

Dec 31, 2001
I have a 95 Yamaha Pro 150, it sputters and spits at idle. The carbs have just been rebuilt, new plugs, compression 115+ all around, won't idle worth a ****, anybody have info on the new two stage reeds that are on the market, or any suggestions? Also is there any place to buy discount gaskets for Yamahas? Any help would be appriciated.<br /> :(


Jul 12, 2002
Re: yamaha spits and sputters

WHat your oil to gas mixture? and reset the idle screw!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 6, 2002
Re: yamaha spits and sputters

fin addict.<br /><br />not to say anything bad about you Sailor -- but I would try the simple things first before I start adjusting things that probably don't need adjusting. It might be something minor that can be easily corrected. <br /><br />sounds like my problem just yesterday. I cleaned the carbs last week. it spit and sputter and all that junk too. found out I did not clean it well, so I took it out again and cleaned them again. here's what I did to eliminate some of the possibiliies.<br /><br />1. I did not clean the carbs good enough. Do you think you did? If so, goto 2.<br /><br />2. ran it on a test tank. if it ran better, you might have water in your gas tank or something wrong with the lines coming from the tank and everything until you get to the motor. leaky hose, bad water filter, vacuum ??<br /><br />I did this and it still spit and sputtered. so, I went to option 3.<br /><br />3. sprayed a can of decarb through it and and ran it. Then I replaced the spark plug. This seemed to work for me. My motor do not spit and sputter now. I hope you find your answer in 1 of these 3 options. I would try these simple task again before I start resetting anything. <br />Nothing bad to say about you are say shoafin-sailor.<br /><br />good luck