Yamaha I/O

Phil Perry

Jul 24, 2005
Just bought a boat with a 5.7 Yamaha I/O. I now see they are no longer made and I'm wondering if I've wasted my $$. It makes this noise and from what i can gather it may be the exhaust flapper. Is there anywhere to buy aftermarket Yamaha parts, anyone know where I can get this serviced? I live on the upper Chesapeake and have a 1995 VIP with a 5.7 . Any help would be appreciated. I also don't see the exhaust flapper on any diagram in the owners manual, could it be that they aren't in this engine, and maybe my noise is something else?


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Yamaha I/O

Hi Phil,......... Welcome to the forums here at iboats,....... :) <br /><br />You Do in fact have a copy of a Very Rare Breed,.......<br />If you click on the Big Red Seach Button at the top of this page,+ type in Yamaha,.... You'll find some reading,.....<br />There is a Yamaha Expert that hangs out here at iboats quite often,.... I think He has a Shop,+ Parts,... But if I remember Right,... Ken's abit farther South of You.......<br /><br />If You were Me,..... You Wouldn't have bought it.........<br />If I were You,...... I'd clean it up,+ Sell It,..... <br />Whether you come out Even,.. Ahead,.. Or a slight Loss,.....<br />Go find a boat with a Mercruiser, or Volvo drive in it......<br />It'll be a Better Investment(Ya Right),+ You'll be Much Happier............. ;) <br /><br />Good Luck...

Bart Sr.

Lieutenant Commander
Jul 26, 2002
Re: Yamaha I/O

Welcome Phil--<br /><br />Ken usually posts from around 7AM.If anybody would know it will be him.He helped me IMMENSELY a few years ago with bearing replacement on my 3.0ltr.Good luck.<br /><br />>>>>>>>HAPPY BOATING<<<<<<<

Capt Ken

Jul 30, 2002
Re: Yamaha I/O

If its just the exhaust flapper, then what's the problem? Now if its clicking above idle, then it might be something else. Heck, Mercruisers click at idle also. Now if its gimbal or U joints, then no problem either. They change out just like Mercruisers also.

Phil Perry

Jul 24, 2005
Re: Yamaha I/O

Ok, guess I just got carried away when i found out these things aren't made anymore. Ken, where exactly is the exhaust flapper? Is it in th rubber tube just behind the Exhaust mixing elbow? Or somewhere else? Any info would be apreciated. Is it normal for these things to make a noise at idle? Maybe email me with prices if your interested.<br />phinishes@yahoo.com<br />Thanks, Phil Perry

Capt Ken

Jul 30, 2002
Re: Yamaha I/O

Its in the Y pipe behind the riser. Riser-rubber hose-90 degree adapter-hose- flapper. You would have to remove the riser to get things apart but if its just flapping at idle, then that's normal. Mercruisers do it all the time. They use to have rubber around the edges of the flapper that burns off after awhile the the metal clicks against the Y pipe. There's a pin that goes thru the pipe that holds the valve in place.