The Yamaha is an 8 hp 2 cycle long shaft serial number 3409, I believe it was built in 1990.<br />Backround:<br />The sailboat is in a sea slip in Los Angeles. I was having a problem with moisture invasion in the starter system last season. The yard advised me to coat the top end with an electrical sealer. That fixed that problem and the motor starts now and runs with with no issues.<br />Problem:<br />The Yamaha (after sitting out for six months on the back of the boat above the water), I cannot shift the outboard out of neutral into forward or reverse. The left side shift lever is frozen in place and I am afraid to put more pressure on it without breaking it. I have never had a shifting problem before. I don't know if the coating got into the transmission somehow or if corrosion just has locked it up. I ran some carb cleaner into the base of motor housing hoping that that would free it up, but it didn't. Any Ideas on what I should try?<br /><br />Second Question:<br />Which Seloc Marine Yamaha Outboard Manual would cover this motor?