I have a 1995 yamaha 70 with about 500 hrs. Has been flawless for the first five years. Now however it Idles very rough and excess fuel is left on the water. It runs rough until about 4800 rpm. From there to full throttle 5500rpm, it seems to smooth out and run fine. 5500 is the rpm it has always reached. Fuel consumption<br />is more than double what it has been in the past. I have changed $500 dollar computer, spark plugs, and cleaned and examined the carbs<br />and choke several times. All with no change in performance. I suspect floatlevel to high<br />and passing fuel through the carboratuers but upon examination see no problem.<br />A call to the service dept. lead to purchace of new fuel pump. I have not installed it yet<br />but find this unlikely as the engine does turn up to pre problem rpm. <br />Any suggesttions? Stumpedyamaha 70
javascript: x()<br />Frown ssavland@gci.net