Yamaha 25hp 2 stroke- need your advice


Aug 6, 2011
I went to purchase a 2006 yamaha 25hp 2 stroke today from a local outboard service shop. The shop mechanic seemed quite nice, he advertised the motor having only 5 hours of use and was like new as it had been a mechanic institute shop motor hence only used in the classroom tank. He said in his he had fully serviced it with carb cleaning and impeller replacement and it was running like a top. I took a 35 mile drive out to see him and the motor certainly looked good. He hooked it up to a gas tank and tried cranking it up. 10 tries no luck- he tried altering throttle and choke, 10 more tries no luck. He pulled the spark plugs and he said it was flooded. He blew air on the spark plugs. Another 10 tries (my shoulder would have come out by then) and he got it going but no water was coming and the motor had been running (with hose ears on) for more than a minute- I saw smoke coming through the drain hole. Water finally started coming out after about a minute. I tried turning the motor down to idle speed and it stalled.

He said this was normal for 2 stroke Yamahas and the choke was not good in those motors. I told him that my Yamaha 15hp 2 stroke started within 2 pulls every time. He said if I didn't want it, some one else would buy it and that each motor needed the right choke/throttle settings for a cold start and after that they should start on one pull. To demonstrate he went to restart the motor- it finally started after 10 more pulls but no water came out the drain hole and it stalled anyway.

At that point he couldn't explain it away and offered to work on the motor tomorrow and call me back when done.
Is he correct about the yamaha 2 stroke 25hp? Is it a dog to start initially? There is another motor of same type available locally that is the same year but has 100 hours and is not as pretty but seems to start right up. I was attracted to this motor because he said it was as new, but perhaps all that mechanics institute fiddling has screwed it up.
Any advice/comments?


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 29, 2011
Re: Yamaha 25hp 2 stroke- need your advice

HEY If he calls you back tell him to start it over the phone if it runs on the first or second pull,and you are interested ask him to knock off a extra $100.Thus being you second trip. REMEMER SOLD AS IS Try to get a written 30 day full refund guaranteed


Fleet Admiral
Sep 7, 2008
Re: Yamaha 25hp 2 stroke- need your advice

I would not trust anything he told me anymore after all that

robert graham

Apr 16, 2009
Re: Yamaha 25hp 2 stroke- need your advice

Sounds like real problems with the motor and the dealer....maybe keep looking for another motor!

Sea Rider

Supreme Mariner
Sep 20, 2008
Re: Yamaha 25hp 2 stroke- need your advice

Yeap, stay away from that pseudo mechanic, what a shame, he should have started that engine before client sees it to see all is in perfect working condition, just in case to avoid a bad time with future purchaser. A well tuned engine should start first, second, third pull at the most...

Happy Boating


Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
Re: Yamaha 25hp 2 stroke- need your advice

My 2007 Yamaha 2-stroke 25 HP piecocrap was set to be traded in on an E-tec this year but some personal problems caused me to have to keep it. It was bought new and has 180 hours on it. When its warmed up and / or if I start it and use it every day (like on a week's vacation) it starts first pull every time. But if it sits for a week between running it takes a man and a boy and 10 pulls to get it to fire.

I'm an Evinrude guy and I hate that sucker, so maybe I'm prejudiced. But so far nobody has been able to make it start right.

Regardless, the motor in question here sounds like a worse dog. Obviously, the water pump was improperly installed. I wouldn't touch that one on a dare!


Aug 6, 2011
Re: Yamaha 25hp 2 stroke- need your advice

I wasn't sure what to say to the mechanic when he said it was normal for a two stroke to be hard to start. I wish these motors were still being produced so I could avoid the hassle of buying used. The E-tec seems like a terrific motor but is too heavy for me to lift onto my inflatable's transom.
The mechanic just called back and said he had the motor all tuned up but what a pain if the motor is a perpetual hard starter.

I ran across another 25hp 2 stroke that starts easier but has trouble stalling if I drop idle below the start setting on on the throttle; beyond idle it runs great- my guess was that the stalling was due to the carb and the idle jet. Any thoughts on that? That motor isn't as pretty but maybe its problems are easier to solve


robert graham

Apr 16, 2009
Re: Yamaha 25hp 2 stroke- need your advice

Maybe take some time and keep looking until you find a good motor that's in good running condition. A well tuned 2 stroke motor shouldn't be difficult to start.