Yamaha 250 OX66 Sluggish


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 4, 2008
The weekend befor last, I took a long cruise down the Chesapeake Bay about 50 miles to Solomon?s Island. In looking at my oil reservoirs, I figured I would be a bit short on oil based on the 100 miles I expected to travel. After going to 8 different stores/docks, I was unable to locate Yamalube, my preferred and only brand. However, I had the day planned and 7 of us ready to go. Reluctantly, I picked up 4 quarts of Sierra 2 stroke oil figuring if I did indeed run short, only then would I use it.

Well, about 15 miles from home, my oil alarm sounded on the Starboard engine. The engine mounted reservoir was still 1/2 full, but just at the bottom of the acceptable range for capacity. I threw in 2 quarts of the Sierra, and continued home from there. No further alarms.

I went out this past weekend and coincidently (or perhaps not) the Starboard engine has lost its pep. It started fine, idled fine, however, when RPM increased, the engine was a bit sluggish, as if it were only running on 5 cylinders. I was only able to muster 4,800 - 4,900 RPM at WOT, while the port engine seemed about right posting 5,400. I pulled the plugs to check for fouling, and all is well. I did not have time to any further investigation. This identical problem happened once before on my older 1994 225's and was traced to a small piece of dirt in the carburetor. This makes me think I may have a clogged injector, or perhaps a dirty O2 sensor. Before I get my mechanic involved, I thought I?d seek opinion here. All thoughts and suggestions welcome.