My motor is new (2001). I have approximately 8 hours break-in on the motor. It has electric start and would fire instantly on hitting the ignition switch. Im using this boat for duck hunting in shallow marshy areas. My first rip into the marsh I was running a little past idle speed when I started losing power and motor smoking. I checked the water stream and it had stopped. I shut down the motor, got into the water and cleaned the intake around propeller. Started it back up and it ran fine. When I got home I put in a local lake to check operation at full speed. The starter clicked and would not engage. After a couple of minutes it fired but took a lot of turning over to get started. The motor has acted this way since it got hot. It only acts this way when the motor is cold. My question is what are the ill effects of my motor getting hot?<br /><br />Sorry for the length of post, but Im wondering what kind problems I might be looking at before I go see the mechanic.<br /><br />Thank you<br />Rick B