arkduckman,<br /><br />Typically, the most common cause are the seals that go on the "fill" and "drain" screws for the lower unit.<br /><br />These seals are easy to replace and are CHEAP. Change these before you do anything else-unless you have a vacuum/pressure pump, then you can pressure/vacuum check the L/U.
hey Arkduckman,<br /><br />you wouldnt be from the Brinkley area would you.<br /><br />I might even know your favorite fishing spot and location.<br /><br />Small world, LOL<br /><br />Tight Lines and Solidhooksets
Yes Sir Mr. Kelly ,You are right : I guess you got me... It must be a small world esp. because I dont know what I'm doing when it comes to this internet thing. but maybe i am doing better than i thought if someone actually found my post, and I actually found my way back again. lol. <br /><br />Sonny Skinner<br />Clarendon, Ar.