I have a Skeeter with a 1999 Yamaha 200 hp OX 66 EFI engine. Recently it wouldn't start. I took it to a dealer in town and we problem diagnosed it as follows. We checked the key switch it was ok. We then checked the wire harness it was not ok so we repleced the wiring harness. The problem still existed only now I got power to the gauges and to the electric fuel pump. However the started does not do anything. We put a battery right up to the started and the starter fired up. So the dealer thought it was the relay switch. We replaced it with a new one and that did not fix the problem. We then took the Solenoid for the starter out and replaced it still did not fix it. The relay switch just clicks when we turn the key. If anyone knows what could be the problem I would appreciate a reply.<br /><br />Thanks. I also have a similar issue with an older Procraft. Kinda weird that this happened to both at the same time.<br /><br />Thanks. keithtauber@hotmail.com