Re: Yamaha 115 problem
I also have a Yamaha 115 that had some shifting problems.<br /><br />I recommend that you try the following:<br /><br />1. Disconnect the shift cable in the upper unit and verify free movement of the control box.<br /><br />2. Reconnect if good, and have someone watch the shift linkage for rotation when changing from forward/neut/rev. This can be seen in the opening on the upper unit.<br /><br />3. If rotation is good, then drain the gear oil and rub between fingers for evidence of metal shavings (also look at the lower screw, it's magnetic and will trap some particles.<br /><br />4. After you remove the gear oil and evaluated, drop the lower unit and inspect. If particles are found, this is not good and you might need to repair the gears in the lower unit.