I've got a 2000 SX200TXRY, which I thought the starter was going bad. The gear on top of the starter would not "pop" up. I switched batteries, and still would not pop. Then I took the starter off the motor, hooked the wires to it again, then started, and sure enough, the gear did pop up. I put the starter back on the motor, and when I tightened one of the postive nuts, that's attached to the terminal, which is attached to the starter, I broke the bolt! I connected the red wire to the other side of the terminal (with the other red wire). This terminal (part no. 67H-81925-00-00) costs $74!! <br />Terminal questions: do I really need it? What does it do?<br /><br />Back to the starter: I changed back to the original battery (which I thought was fully charged - it's new!), and again, no pop. Then I switched back to the backup battery, and tada, it popped and started the engine! Went fishing that day! <br />Starter questions: does the starter need a certain amperage to "pop" (it spins just fine)? Do I need to lube the shaft? <br />As far as I know, the cowling has only been off to change the spark plugs twice in three years. The engine looks great.<br /><br />Thanks for your help,<br />Mike Morrison<br />Texas