Xcusme, can you be of assistance?(ISSUE SOLVED w/ mea culpa)


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Trying to find the driver, for a PCI ethernet card, that had been recently operating in my Win2K machine. I may have uninstalled it before I pulled the card to make way for some other PCI device. But I assume the driver is still there somewhere.

The card is an intel card with no model designation on it and a current driver download from intel did not seem to hook up with it when I directed 'add new hardware' to look at the A: drive.

Is there a way to find that driver in my machine?


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Xcusme, can you be of assistance?(once again :>)

Re: Xcusme, can you be of assistance?(once again :>)

Xcusme said:
Hang on a bit...let me go back and read your other post first....

OK, I think I have what you need on my other machine....I'll u/l to my FTP space and post links in a bit....

BTW, is this your card?

Xcusme, it is hard to tell just looking at the picture but my card definitely has the #S82557 on the chip. It does not however have those three little holes beside the jack, on the backstrap. There are no other obvious identifing marks on the board except for the FCC ID# which confirms it is an Intel board. There are some other numbers printed on the circuit board but google came up with nothing for them.

I believe that I downloaded the 11 megabite program??, off the intel site, for the PRO/100 for Win 2k. When I executed the program on my computer, it came up with on option to make driver disks for the Pro 100 and two different Pro 1000 varieties.

I made the floppy for the Pro 100, inserted it in my dad's machine when 'add remove program' asked for the driver source. The message I got was that windows could not find a driver for the device.

I tried to make discs for the Pro 1000 options and both of them acted like I had not inserted a floppy in my drive.

I really didn't understand the size of that driver download from intel for a simple ethernet card.


Apr 21, 2003
Re: Xcusme, can you be of assistance?(once again :>)

Re: Xcusme, can you be of assistance?(once again :>)

Those 3 holes are LEDs.....

Something you might want to know. Sometimes when you have a driver disc and you point Windows to that disc, be sure to try browsing that disc and highlite the sub folders (if any) to search those folders for the drivers too. Sometimes the path to the right drivers is not in the root of the disc, but in a subfolder.

As you may have already figured out, a floppy won't hold too much these days. A thumbdrive works a treat for transfering files from one machine to another if you're not networked (or not networked YET, in your case).

I'll edit this post with the files shortly.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Xcusme, can you be of assistance?(once again :>)

Re: Xcusme, can you be of assistance?(once again :>)

Xcusme said:
Those 3 holes are LEDs.....

Something you might want to know. Sometimes when you have a driver disc and you point Windows to that disc, be sure to try browsing that disc and highlite the sub folders (if any) to search those folders for the drivers too. Sometimes the path to the right drivers is not in the root of the disc, but in a subfolder.

As you may have already figured out, a floppy won't hold too much these days. A thumbdrive works a treat for transfering files from one machine to another if you're not networked (or not networked YET, in your case).

I'll edit this post with the files shortly.

I hear ya on the disketts. I just dusted off my Sandisk thumb drive. It's 256k. It works real well if the computer recognizes it. Sometime it'll show as a mini cruizer drive and sometimes it just shows up as H drive.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003


Apr 21, 2003
Re: Xcusme, can you be of assistance?(once again :>)

Re: Xcusme, can you be of assistance?(once again :>)

I would d/l the files to your hard drive. Then copy them to your thumb drive. Insert thumb drive in your dads computer and copy the files to his hard drive. Install from there.

Usually they wil linstall to a default folder.In that folder there might be a Setup.exe file or an Install.exe file. Running either of those files will install the drivers to your windows folders (system32 etc). If you have enough room on your thumb drive, copy the file you downloaded to the thumb drive and copy onto the other computer, then run the exe file to install the drivers.
With a mult- OS driver,the installprogram may make a main folder called Intel, with sub folders called Win2K, WinXP etc. The specific drivers for each OS are in their own folder. Thats why ealier,I said to browse to those folders yourself to find the files needed to install the NIC. It makes little difference wether the needed files are on the hard drive or on a floppy disk.Windows usually shows you the file name it's looking for, just browse to the folder, and you should see the same file name displayed. After it copies the first file, it may ask again for the location of the next needed file, just browse back to the same folder. Keep pointing Windows to the same folder until all needed files are copied and click finish. A reboot is a good idea after the driver install.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Xcusme, can you be of assistance?(once again :>)

Re: Xcusme, can you be of assistance?(once again :>)

o, Xcusme, I think we are on the homeward stretch. I probably should have just convinced my Dad to pony up for a copy of XP instead of volunteering to fix his corrupted Win2k system.

XP would have probably handled this issue in a heartbeat. But, I am still running Win2K on my Bidna computer, and need to put in a bigger hard drive, thereby reloading Win2k. So maybe this all helps me in that endeavor.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Xcusme, can you be of assistance?(New Issue :>)

Re: Xcusme, can you be of assistance?(New Issue :>)

Ok, the computer now recognizes the intel E card. I've plugged the internet cable into the card and have tried to access the internet. I get a message that no connection is available.

This is the same cable that I use successfully on my business 2k machine so I know it works.

Is there some setup that I'm missing?


Master Chief Petty Officer
Aug 12, 2003
Re: Xcusme, can you be of assistance?(New Issue :>)

Re: Xcusme, can you be of assistance?(New Issue :>)

I have to ask this...I am not trying to be a smart-arse or anything....BUT

Would it have just been easier going out and spending $20 on a cheap new NIC that would have the drivers with it?



Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Xcusme, can you be of assistance?(New Issue :>)

Re: Xcusme, can you be of assistance?(New Issue :>)

JustMrWill said:
I have to ask this...I am not trying to be a smart-arse or anything....BUT

Would it have just been easier going out and spending $20 on a cheap new NIC that would have the drivers with it?


Absolutely would have MrWill, except that I am 35 miles from the nearest $20 nic card store. Plus I knew that this card had recently worked. Most of the issues were due to my non-eggheadedness anyway.

As it turns out, after putting everyone thru this, Win2K loaded the generic windows driver for this card only I did not spot it for two reasons. One, the computer locked up with no mouse or keyboard when I booted the computer with the cable plugged into the card, the other was in Device Mgr, where my eye was drawn to a yellow question marked 'communication card'. I assumed that was the NIC card when in fact it was the modem that I had not loaded the driver for (I had the cd for that)

I finally noticed that intel nic card was showing in DM and said it was working properly. That's when I re-plugged in the cable.

I came back into this post to say that, on it's own accord, it is now accessing the internet. There was really nothing that I had to do but be a little patient. Windows updates are in progress as I type.

I have a bit of egg on my face but sure do appreciate all the effort that you guys extended.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Aug 12, 2003
Re: Xcusme, can you be of assistance?(ISSUE SOLVED w/ mea culpa)

Great news! It usually is the "easy" stuff that stumps us the longest.



Aug 24, 2004
Re: Xcusme, can you be of assistance?(ISSUE SOLVED w/ mea culpa)


Well, glad it's working.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Xcusme, can you be of assistance?(ISSUE SOLVED w/ mea culpa)

i386 said:

Well, glad it's working.

Thanks for all your assistance and concern i. I just took it back to my Dad's house this afternoon. Got his dial-up working and he is off an running.

These things just tend to turn into odysseys. Some due to lack of experience, some due to lack of recollection, some due to lack of patience and some due to the complexities that no mortal man could be expected to fathom.

All this after two people told him his computer was shot, that he needed to buy a new one. I took one look at it, a week and a half ago, and even little old me knew that it was a corrupted OS.