Wow! Alternator problem loosened a crankcase head?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 9, 2002
Folks,<br /><br />I'd love to compare notes with you guys:<br /><br />I was running the boat yesterday--a 1988 2.7L Seadrive--when I lost the tach. Soon, I noticed my voltage gauge reading very low. <br /><br />Engine was running like a champ, though.<br /><br />Understanding I was running on battery only--I made it back to the slip. No problem.<br /><br />Opened the engine cowling.. Bits of aluminum and mostly brass fragments are falling out of the alternator. Ouch!<br /><br />Okay. I guess I am in for a stator. Maybe even the rotor! ..So I am trying to pull that dreaded flywheel out. (Still trying, by the way.)<br /><br />I noticed that all but one bolt seems to be holding down the upper crankcase head. <br /><br />What on earth?<br /><br />Guys, I can't find a crack--yet--in either the crankcase nor in the upper crankcase head.<br /><br />What am I in for? What should I expect?<br /><br />Has this been seen by anyone out there?<br /><br />..Do you collectively have an idea what I should expect to repair?<br /><br />Any advice is welcomed!<br /><br />Ken