WOT cutout

pontoon chief

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 9, 2004
Have a 1983 35 hp Johnson that just began to cutout at WOT.After it cuts out,it will restart in a short time,8-10 minutes.After restarting the motor will run fine for a few minutes and will than cut out again.<br />I ran it in a barrel for 45 minutes today and it never cut out in those conditions.<br />The water pump is pumping fine and the motor is running cool,and the water being discharged is cool.<br />Could this be a coil problem?The motor has dual coils and it would be hard to believe both would be bad,and break down under a WOT load.<br />Any thoughts? SR J35ELCTS


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 20, 2006
Re: WOT cutout

Sounds like electronics to me, powerpacks can do odd things as they get hot . Then act ok until hot again. Running in barrel theres no load on motor, it may not be getting as hot as when under load. I'd start trouble shooting , check for good even spark at all cylinders , fuel system , etc. You should be able to find the problem. Just use the manual.<br /> Im not an expert , but Ive rebuilt a few, and haven't had too much trouble diagnosing problems with mine. Just by using an engine specific service manual.<br /> Good-Luck,<br /> KYHunter


Chief Petty Officer
May 2, 2005
Re: WOT cutout

You can heat the powerpack up (carefully) with a hair dryer or hot air gun to see if you can get the problem to occur.