Worried, I did not properly winterize my portable Tohatsu will I have problems


Jan 18, 2003
Boater newbie here. I had bought a brand new Tohatsu 9.8 hp portable outboard last March 2002, and when the season ended I don't think I completely winterized my portable 2 stroke as I have been reading people are doing on this board are doing to theirs.<br /><br />I believe I did allow most of the gasoline to be run off at the end of the season ( running the motor without the fuel line to the gas tank) but I don't think I burned off all of it. I let it run until it sputtered quite a bit and then I manually shut the engine off worried that I might destroy the engine running the motor without fuel.<br /><br />I have yet to change the lower unit oil, but I stored the portable engine in a room temperature environment so I'm not so worried about freezing temperatures causing problems. The motor is mounted on a vertical stand and I ALWAYS flush the motor with cool hose water through earmuffs after each trip and at the end of the season.<br /><br />I'm worried that I did not properly winterize the engine. I had no idea what de-fogging the engine was until now nor about putting fuel stabilizers in my plastic gas tank which still contained about 2 gallons of fuel in it.<br /><br />My question is, what should I do now? Summer is just around the corner in the northeast and I want to get my engine ready. Could any of you kindly direct me on what I should do with the following:<br /><br />1) the engine- how do I make sure I didn't foul up the engine's carbs with varnished fuel deposits- is there any way I can clean up the engine if there is any varnish on the carbs before I start up the engine. Should I add anything to the fuel to clean up any leftover residue from the last season? If so, what should I add? Should I still defog the engine? I'm no mechanic so I don't know if I can do even that!<br /><br />2) What do I do with the gasoline in my plastic gas tank. I don't think I want to use the fuel left in it, it might be contaminated or whatever because I didn't add any fuel stabilizer to the fuel tank. Once emptied how can I clean up the fuel tank and nozzles if they too had varnish?<br /><br />3) Should I take it to a mechanic for a pre-season lookover? Will my carbs have to be manually cleaned?<br /><br />I'm promising myself this won't happen again this year, hopefully I'll be wiser.


Supreme Mariner
Jan 23, 2002
Re: Worried, I did not properly winterize my portable Tohatsu will I have proble

Re: Worried, I did not properly winterize my portable Tohatsu will I have proble

Hello Avon<br /><br />Odds are everything is fine. Change the lower unit oil, empty the gas in the tank, fill with fresh pre-mix and fire it up. It will probably run just fine. Fogging is not an absolute nessesity, but does protect the cylinders during storage. The best way to clean it out now is to run it. If it acts up, then take it from there. No reason to tear everything apart unless it needs it. Next fall, do the fogging and add stabilizer.


Re: Worried, I did not properly winterize my portable Tohatsu will I have proble

Re: Worried, I did not properly winterize my portable Tohatsu will I have proble

Avon,<br /><br />Good advice from Rick.<br /><br />Make sure you change the fill/drain plug seals on the lower unit when you service it.<br /><br />I think you're fine.