Am wiring a 1986 19 foot Sea Nymph CC that I am restoring and starting from scratch. Will try to salvage old gages, fuse block etc but thinking about using a Perko 8501 DP switch and wiring (+) a starter battery from stern to switch along with another starting battery from bow (+) in parallel to same pole on switch. I will also wire(+)a deep cycle battery from the bow to the second pole on the switch. All grounds go back to engine.<br /><br />My question is where do I connect all devices that I have going to the fuse block in the CC?-- to the pole on the switch with the deep cycle or directly to the deep cycle? Other options?<br /><br />Plan to run dash gages, VHF and marine cassette radios, bilge and livewell aerator pumps and nav lights. Thought I'd use 3 batteries since I could use the xtra weight in bow and need to keep the starter battery in stern because of wiring harness lengths. Also figured the xtra boost from the 2 parallel and 3 when the switch is on wouldn't hurt.<br /><br />Any advice would be appreciated.<br /><br />Thanks in advance.