wiring problems


Jun 10, 2006
1978 aq200c volvo, 305 engine with singles wire altenator. going from the engine compartment to the inst. panel, i have a big red and big orange wirde. the orange is from the altenator and the red from the battery power.<br /><br />the wiring harness diagrams show the alt wire connecting to the ampmeter guage. my guage does not have anywhere to connect this wire. it has a cannon plug. <br /><br />where do i connect the altenator wire? does it connect to the ignition switch with the battery wire. will this complete the charging ciruit?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: wiring problems

As typical on a 78 boat, your wiring and engine are a long way from original.<br />Volvo didn't have a 1 wire alternator back then, we don't know if you have an ampmeter or voltmeter, have no clue what kind of gauge has a cannon plug on it. And like most boats with previous owners, it's been rewired by someone that problably didn't have a clue about wiring.<br />Other than that, your problem should be easy to figure out.<br />Short of getting a meter and testing each wire and comparing it to a wiring diagram for your engine and seeing what goes to what, I don't see any way of answering your question except with a bunch of other questions.


Jun 10, 2006
Re: wiring problems

you are correct. being the second owner it was altered. all the guages are stock with the boat. the ampmeter was orginal and has a plastic plug. the ampmeter was working before i srarted this project. it has a voltmeter also installed. it was installed later (non factory.<br /><br />my basic question is should i connect the orange altenator wire to the ignition switch battery pole with the hot battery red lead or should i connect it to the accessory panel and run a jumper to the ignition swith.<br /><br />any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.