Engine is not electric shift. Has no generator or alternator. Ignition is Distributor Magneto. Does lead from distributor thru harness to starter switch go to ground or 12volts? Clymer not much help. Have Parts Catalog but no wiring schematic.
Ahoy, Sailor Bob. My old Johnson manual has diagrams for two 75s. Neither is IDed by year. One uses a Kettering (battery) ignition with distributor and is an electric shift. The other uses a magneto but has a belt-driven generator and an old, automotive style voltage regulator.<br /><br />I don't think either would help, but wanted you to know I tried.<br /><br />Red sky at night. . .<br />JB
Wire is grounded to stop engine, if you have no spark disconnect wire at magneto, still no spark check points, rotor, cap, kill wire where it goes thru mag housing, and COIL.