wireing up my tach


Nov 24, 2012
I recently baught the arctic series tach for my 94 bayliner with the 120 force outboard and im not sure witch wire to hook the tach up too! the fine people at Teleflex told me this tach will work but couldn't tell me witch exact wire to tie into! my force does not have the 20 pole stator, so it will work! I have included some pics to show that I have two yellow wires that go from the alternator, stator, to the, what I believe,, is the ignition module! there is also a grn and wht wire, along with a wht and grn wire to something else! the instructions say it should be a yellow wire but as you can see I have two! not sure which one or if any should be tied into! any help would be greatly appreciated! excuse the photos, they should be rotated 90 degrees


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Rear Admiral
Oct 8, 2007
Re: wireing up my tach

You have four wires that come out from under your stator assembly. Two yellow wires that go to your Regulator/Rectifier assy. (the square box with the yellow and red wires coming from it). The other two wires, Green/White and White/Green supply the voltage for the ignition system. They go to the "Candy Bar" adapter and feeds the switch box which fires the coils. Sometimes the Regulator/Rectifier assy. has a Gray tach wire. Check yours closely. Doesn't look like it has one but check anyways. If you have a Gray tach wire, that's the one you want to use.

If you don't have a Gray wire, then you can try one of the two Yellow wires. The two Yellow wires that come out of the Regulator/Rectifier assy. are connected to the two Yellow wires that come from under the stator via bullet connectors which are probably located behind the plate that the Regulator/Rectifier assy. is mounted on. Try one of those two wires and see if that works. Doesn't hurt anything to try either of the two yellow wires. It just that sometimes the tach will only work properly on a specific yellow wire. If it doesn't work on the first yellow wire, then try the other one. If your tach has a selector switch or dial on the back of it, make sure it's set on the 12 pole position.


Supreme Mariner
May 7, 2008
Re: wireing up my tach

Under the dash. The end of the wire loom will have a wire taped back or possibly even a hookup for the tach.
Grey lead is probably the one.Purple is the power lead for the light.


Nov 24, 2012
Re: wireing up my tach

I recently baught the arctic series tach for my 94 bayliner with the 120 force outboard and im not sure witch wire to hook the tach up too! the fine people at Teleflex told me this tach will work but couldn't tell me witch exact wire to tie into! my force does not have the 20 pole stator, so it will work! I have included some pics to show that I have two yellow wires that go from the alternator, stator, to the, what I believe,, is the ignition module! there is also a grn and wht wire, along with a wht and grn wire to something else! the instructions say it should be a yellow wire but as you can see I have two! not sure which one or if any should be tied into! any help would be greatly appreciated! excuse the photos, they should be rotated 90 degrees

wow, that was great advice, it does have a grey wire too, thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge!!