Winterizing the Force 120 with a MAX temp drop of 15 to 18 degrees F?


Sep 2, 2012
Hey guys,

So I live in Shreveport, LA. We do get snow from time to time, though the typical bottom range of the ole' thermometer is about 15 to 18 degrees F in the coldest months. This is my first winter season for my first boat ownership experience, and I go out in the backyard about once a week and start my Force 120 on the earmuffs, letting it run for about 15 minutes. I'll also blip the throttle here and there, and then set the throttle to like 2500 RPM and let it just run at that RPM for a few minutes. I'll then bring it back down to idle for a bit and shut it down.

I guess I'm looking for some advice here. Given my location and temperate zone, am I looking at disaster come spring for whatever reason? My Force 120 is a 1996 model and has run just flawlessly since I purchased the boat, not to mention an unexpected battery issue that sorta puzzled me *See my only other started thread*.

My boat is unsheltered. I have a cover on the hull and also a cover over the outboard. The trim is dropped as much as it can be, with the scag barely touching the ground. She just sits out there, and once a week I crank her up. Starts every time and does what an outboard does till shutdown. Am I kidding myself, or do I need to go ahead and bring her into a shop and have some components (besides spark plugs, duh) swapped out?

Please relate with my situation; I wanted a boat forever and so I took the plunge earlier this year. I'm paying on this gem for the next 5 years. Budget isn't extraordinary, and so I just don't wanna screw up what I have. Thanks fellas!


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Nov 9, 2012
Re: Winterizing the Force 120 with a MAX temp drop of 15 to 18 degrees F?

Air..I have a post asked the same but cant find. So how much help am not sure. "relate to ur situation oh yeh" Just got luckey and dont have payments. Saved pennies for years. Look im in wake forest, nc so temps more or less same. Mine is a 97 120. I have the original book from 97 came with it as well as the service book for all hp force motors your year and mine. Happy to help how I can. Here ya wanting a boat 4ever. You sound like me have to play with it when cant go out. If thats the case can tell ya (short term) not long storage. Original owner bought this one from. All he ever did was let the motor all the way down and just let it drain. Not winterize for storage ya know? He never did, warm day he was gone. Half the life of it was spent in a garge the other outside covered. When 1st bought it he would when taken out of water like said lower it let it drain. When home he would lower again and do nothing else. He never winterized it only regular maintenance. Once he ran some antifreeze in it when he got home, was scared he said temp was 18 degrees that night. Please dont go buy me but thats all he did for years. Its last of 2012 and I am doing the same. Also know they are ment to kinda self drain ya know? What water may be left has plenty of room to expand. That I was told by a guy knows his stuff lives up north. Anyway this boat is my dream to so do relate. No expert ok, just a novice..Any book stuff ya might need dont find a answer for here. That I can help with. Have them all..Hope it helps!!!


Sep 2, 2012
Re: Winterizing the Force 120 with a MAX temp drop of 15 to 18 degrees F?

Hey sightsrv thanks bro I appreciate the reply. I may be completely wrong on this, but all of the horror stories I've heard of cracked blocks and what not, have all been with inboard motors that didn't get winterized. An outboard seems so much simpler with the way it self-drains and everything. Hell, it's a vertical motor, ya know? It sits out there with oil in the cylinders constantly because of the way I run it often, so I don't think I'm gonna bother with fancy treatments and stuff. I've got Marine Sta-Bil in the tank as well, so every time I run it, the carbs are cleaned. Matter o' fact, the high for tomorrow down here is gonna be 78F, so the wife and I are gonna run her up and down the Red River for a bit before dark.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Winterizing the Force 120 with a MAX temp drop of 15 to 18 degrees F?

There really is no reason to run it every week.
Certainly no reason to rev it over 1200 rpm.
Doing so is probably not a good idea.

You are just wasting gas and time, and risk having the earmuffs fall off and burning up the water pump and overheating the engine.

At the very least you should put some sta-bil in the gas.

Make sure the motor is lowered all the way down.

And change out the gear lube.

At least check it to make sure there is no water in the lube.

If there is water in the gearcase, it can freeze and crack the gearcase.


Supreme Mariner
May 7, 2008
Re: Winterizing the Force 120 with a MAX temp drop of 15 to 18 degrees F?

Like Rosco said, check the lower.
The motor's self draining.
You can flush with any anti=freeze, even the RV pink stuff will work.
But not really needed.
The important thing is top off the fuel.
Run it on a flusher and get the salt water out.
Stabil and Seafoam is a good bet too.I don't usually use either.
If your gonna let it set for months spray a bit of fogging oil.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Nov 9, 2012
Re: Winterizing the Force 120 with a MAX temp drop of 15 to 18 degrees F?

Hey sightsrv thanks bro I appreciate the reply. I may be completely wrong on this, but all of the horror stories I've heard of cracked blocks and what not, have all been with inboard motors that didn't get winterized. An outboard seems so much simpler with the way it self-drains and everything. Hell, it's a vertical motor, ya know? It sits out there with oil in the cylinders constantly because of the way I run it often, so I don't think I'm gonna bother with fancy treatments and stuff. I've got Marine Sta-Bil in the tank as well, so every time I run it, the carbs are cleaned. Matter o' fact, the high for tomorrow down here is gonna be 78F, so the wife and I are gonna run her up and down the Red River for a bit before dark.

These guys here are real pros. They have saved me a ton of money on stuff like that.
78 huh?..We got 63 here for turkey day. Warm enough to hit the water. Will do the
same grab wifey and go!!!! Hey has wife took over the drivers seat? My wife did not
like the boat to start with but her butt hit the drivers seat and just took it over.


Sep 2, 2012
Re: Winterizing the Force 120 with a MAX temp drop of 15 to 18 degrees F?

Thanks for the input roscoe and jerryjerry05, it's much appreciated.
At this point, she's still scared to death of the process of planing LOL!
Everytime... "I hate this part!" hahahaha