Re: Winterizing an outboard????
cupper-3. There are several really good posts in this forum about winterizing your outboard, but I'll try my best to help you out.

. First to answer your question on fogging. This is just a spray you squirt into your carburator while your engine is running which lubricates your internal parts for storage (Yes it will smoke.) This can be bought at any marine dealer and has simple instructions on the back for use. They'll know exactly what you need. Be sure to save enough to squirt into your cylinders afterwards. OK, here's what I do for my outboard.<br />*** De-carb is optional at this time before the following.

<br />1. Mix a gas Stabililzer with your gas so your fuel will not go bad over the winter. run your engine for about 10-15 min. to get it into your fuel system. (just as you would any gas treatment).<br />2. Take off plug wires, take out plugs, spray<br />foam into plug holes, re-install plugs. With plug wires still disconnected, give engine several short cranks to lubricate cylinder walls. Put plug wires back on. <br />3. Spray lubricant on engine (not necessary, but I do this to prevent corrosion while it sets, just a light coat, don't hose it down.). Apply a light coat of grease on any external moving parts I can find (ie, linkage, cables ect). Grease any grease zirks I can find. Replace engine cover.<br />4.Drain Lower Unit Oil (Inspect and lubricate external parts as needed while waiting), and replace with fresh gear oil.<br />5. Remove prop and grease prop shaft and re-install prop.<br />6. At this point I usually wrap up the lower unit in plastic just to protect it from any junk that might be blowing around(dirt, nesting spiders, crap,in general. (this again is just personal preference and not necessary one of those piece of mind things)... And that's about it..

. If I forgot anything I'am sure others here will be kind enough to chime in. Hope this helps.
"Of course that's just my opinion, but I could be wrong".