You won't be able to fog it. Do this instead.<br /><br />Remove the fuel filter and drain it into a container and discard the contents.<br /><br />Drain the VST. There's a brass plug at the bottom. (It's the thing the filter is attached to.)<br /><br />Pour 1 tsp 2-stroke oil and 1 tsp fuel stabilizer into the filter. Spin the filter back on and pump the primer bulb until firm.<br /><br />Run the motor on muffs or in the water for 5 to 10 minutes. That'll let this mixture get all the way into the fuel system and the additional oil will lubricate the innards.<br /><br />Remove the sparkplugs and shoot a little fogging oil into the cylinders, rotate the flywheel a few times, then put the plugs back in.<br /><br />Other than that, you do the same things you would for a carbed model.