Winter storage


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 3, 2010
I am planning on storing my RIB outside for the winter (No. VA). It is covered and sitting on the trailer next to my house. I have removed the battery and fuel tank and winterized the engine according to the manual and info I found in the forums here. Is there anything else I should do? What is the likelyhood of small creatures chewing up the tubes or the upholstery and what can be done to prevent this?



Vice Admiral
Apr 18, 2010
Re: Winter storage

That will be fine. You might consider deflating her a little bit. Unfortunately rodent damage is a possibility, but there are home rememdies some use to mitigate it. I've heard moth balls mentioned, and I'm sure there are others. FWIW I store my river raft deflated in a trailer in the back yard. It's covered, but there's easy entree into it for little critters. I also keep my party barge back there. It too is covered, but again, easy entree. So far I've had no critter issues knock on wood. I might need to look into critter mitigation myself.;)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 4, 2011
Re: Winter storage

I've not had issues with rodents and inflatables...but I do recommend Havahart's Critter Spray which I have used effectively for a number of issues ranging from rodents in attics, school classrooms, crawl spaces etc. It seems to keep the little buggers away for several weeks. I personally would not spray it on the tubes, but around the perimeter where you might be storing the inflatable. Sadly, this spray seems to be ineffective against bats - which is no biggie for boaters since I've never seen a bat living / chewing a inflatable. :)