Re: Will this tow bar work on my SS?
I use a swivel-eze tripod ski tow in mine
For the main post floor base, when I restored the boat, I bridged a box between the stringers using aluminum L
and rivets and 3/4" marine x 2 glued and screwed for a 1.5" base. for starters. Affixed to this piece where the tow base attaches to the deck is another 3/4" block of marine ply as an additional "nailer". When the base was SS screwed in, the screws has a total of 2.75" of grab, but the load is spread out since it all is attached longnitudinal with the stringers.
The two back legs bases are supported in similar fashion to the deck to absorb the initial vertical load.
In other words, the boat pulls the skier.