Will my VW Atlas tow this? (Yamaha SX 210)


Apr 8, 2006
I have a really sweet opportunity to pick up a friend's Yamaha SX210 - but I think I don't have the right ride.

Got a VW Atlas, 2WD with V6. Very nice car, with a "claimed" 5k tow capacity.
When doing some rough math, it's not looking good.

Yamaha SX210
- 3,100 empty
- 50gals = 350lb
- trailer = ~1,100 lb

That's looking like +4,600lb right there. A bit too close to the limit, considering I've got a 2WD. Then add in some family for getways, and I'm prob past limit right there. To make matters worse, installing a non-factory hitch could invalidate the warranty should there be any tranny or other mechanical issues.

Any member here have an Atlas? I tend to think the folks here lean more towards trucks (and understandably so) A boat was not on the horizon when I got my ride but now there's an desire and opportunity, I want to get a good match for my vehicle that doesn't compromise safety.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Mar 20, 2016
Is there the option of you towing it yourself and the wife/kids going in a second car? Depending on how far you have to travel could be an option. Otherwise yes you need something better to tow with. I tow ~4000 lbs fully loaded and I would not tow more - I have a Ford Explorer with 5k lb towing capacity so same as you


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 2, 2013
your car rating is based on (2) passengers @ likely 150lbs each... put more people in there, your capacity drops,, your at your limit. make it? probably.... I've got a Honda Pilot AWD. 5K towing capable. 2200lb toon with motor and a 1000lb trailer... I add two people, Im down to 4500 capable.. still good... enjoy


Jul 10, 2012
Flat and level ground, maybe a mile or so from the ramp, you might make it. Otherwise you need more vehicle as merging on the expressway, pulling out of a steep ramp, etc may be a chore or worse. **You're forgetting about safety gear, coolers, toys, battery(ies), spare tire, etc which will put you at 5k if not over.

Considering its 2WD and not AWD, the trailer and boat are going to lift the front end up so its not going to have as much grip as it normally would on a steep ramp. Depending on the ramp that might make the difference between getting up the ramp and becoming a youtube hit.

BTW: Some manufacturers, and I'm not sure about VW, list the 5k tow rating with AWD and/or with a tow package. That usually includes a heavier duty radiator and/or tranny cooler. Otherwise, 3500lbs towing in FWD. Might wanna check that rating.
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Rear Admiral
Aug 2, 2008
Sure it will tow it, it will just possibly struggle at a slick ramp and any emergency maneuvers on the road will have far less margin of error and of course stopping in a pinch can be a challenge. I don't recommend this but like you way back in the day when my boys were little, in my case I owned a GM mini van with a 3500lb tow capacity. It was fwd, 185hp and had maybe 80k mile on it. We ended up buying a boat that weighed 3100lbs dry, plus 33 gallons of gas, plus the steel roller trailer and of course gear. The van handled it fine for the season I used it prior to upgrading to a real body on frame 4wd, v8 suv. It struggled at heavily used ramps that were slippery and full stop acceleration pulling the boat was not very fast.
So yes, it will tow it, it will just have more potential for issues when things don't go exactly perfect. In hindsight, my excitement got the better of me and really shouldn't have towed that summer. Amazingly I went on to keep that minivan for several more years and it was no worse for wear given the torture I put it through. Your subject vehicle is probably five times more capable than that old GM minivan was.