Will my prop work


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 4, 2012
Hey Guys. Got a prop ? for the prop guru's.
I have a 59' 18hp johnson. I wanted a rebuild project so i got this motor. The motor was partial ,and in pieces when I got it. 1 of the pieces missing was the prop. For some reason I got it in my head that it needed A 9 1/4x 11 stainless steel prop. So finding one in good condition on ebay for 16$ I ordered it. The motor was finished and took it's first test run a couple weeks ago. There was a problem with the LU Turns out the gear set in the LU was from another motor. Wrong number of teeth on the gears the motor ran strained for about a minute then slipped out of gear, And from that point on would not go forward. Upon looking into the problem I looked closely at the parts manual and noticed that the prop was supposed to be a 9x10. So my question is that will this 9 1/4x11 prop be ok on this motor or do I need a 9x10. I most likely will try and find a bare boned 14ft aluminum semi-v or 14ft flat-bottom to put it on and sell. The test boat was a 14ft aluminum semi-v pretty heavy with 3 people and wood decking. Thanks for any help.


Supreme Mariner
Apr 26, 2002
Re: Will my prop work

Slipped out of gear? did it rev and slow? Could be a broken drive pin if there is no forward motion.
Could also be a spun hub but usually will move normally until adding power causes it to slip
I looked at a few brochures from the period and the motor came with a 9 1/4 X 11.
Sometime after 59 there was a slight gear ratio change from 1.73 to 1 .75 same "standard" prop.
Final prop selection would depend on the application. I wonder if the 11" pitch was an attempt to force the buyer to pay for a prop change. I do believe your 11" would work on a light reasonably fast boat.
But if they add a couple of people it may slow too much. Motor is rated to make about 27 on a light reasonably fast boat.
59 motor was 15/26 gears = 1.73,early 60s were 12/21 = 1.75.
Its possible your ss 11" prop was inexpensive because of the high pitch
But it may be worth some bucks for someone wanting the most out of an 18 on a light boat.
Motor came with an aluminum prop.