Skid, welcome to iBoats. You will get all the info and then some from hear. You should be fine with the 4 banger. If you find tat you need more pulling power for skiing, you can always drop down a couple prop pitches and keep an eye on WOT.
As for Bayliners, they had issues with rotten floors, rotten stringers and rotten transom. You need to thorughly check all these out before buying our you will be back asking how to replace all these. IMHO, I don't think that it was the boat manufacturer as it was the buyer. They were entry level boats and I think those buyers didn't / couldn't properly maintain them. I know several people who owned them and thought engine and lower unit oil was like a car; change it at 3000 miles.

In one case, there was a newley married couple I used to frequent the lake with and he had never changed any oil or winterized it. He was lucky for 8 years but I'd never want to own the boat. He also left it uncovered sitting in an aparment complex and his thought was that it gets wet at the lake.
Get the boat checked out by a survayor or you can look at the lower unit oil, compression check, engin oil, use and awl and poke around on the transom and floor. Always take it for a sea trial. And, I never like buying things from friends or coworkers. Just too easy for something to go wrong and end the relationship. I have in the past (not a boat)and to keep the peace / friendship, have let things slide.