Will a 550 cca battery be enough?

Platypus E65

Mar 30, 2010
I just ordered a new 4 stroke Tohatsu 50 outboard motor that doesn't come with a battery. The pdf manual for the motor states that a 12v 850 cca is recommended, 1000 cca for cold weather. The closest place I can order a battery only has 550 cca marine batteries for sale. They do have 850 cca batteries but they are car/truck batteries. I'm only going to use the battery to start up the motor whenever I need to. Will the 550 cca be enough battery for my use?


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
I would go to Sears and get their platinum series AGM (rebadged Odyssey) or Sam's Club Duracell AGM group 31

Deka has a 1000 marine
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Senior Chief Petty Officer
Feb 13, 2010
If it calls for 850 cca then that's what I would get. If all you're going to do is start the engine than an automotive battery will be fine.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 21, 2013
You may be confusing MCA with CCA, typically a 1000MCA battery will be roughly 800CCA. This may be one of the reasons your having such a hard time finding a battery. 850MCA is a more common specification for an engine that size although im not familiar with that exact model of engine.

The specification rating of the battery has nothing to do if it has the power to actually mechanically turn over the engine, it is the power needed to properly power all the equipment. When you under power the engine electrically it puts a high amount of stress on the components. When you stress these components the will work for a while but can fail prematurely. The 550 CCA will work for a while but when buying a new engine you want to get the most for that all that money you just spent, find the right battery.

I also caution against the use of automotive batteries, they are not designed to the same specifications and will not hold up to the same bouncing and vibrations the marine ones would.
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Apr 20, 2008
Tohatsu TLDI motors require high output batteries because the ECU must initialize when the starter is cranking. Lesser batteries will allow the voltage to droop during cranking, and the ECU may not initialize correctly, leading to very weird operation. 550 is not enough to work reliably. Your outboard dealer should carry the correct battery. Whenever describing a Tohatsu motor, always specify exact model, not just hp, and not just year of manufacture. It makes a big difference.
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Platypus E65

Mar 30, 2010
I would go to Sears and get their platinum series AGM (rebadged Odyssey) or Sam's Club Duracell AGM group 31

Deka has a 1000 marine

Thanks. I couldn't find any of those batteries in the stores online in Anchorage, AK.

If it calls for 850 cca then that's what I would get. If all you're going to do is start the engine than an automotive battery will be fine.


You may be confusing MCA with CCA, typically a 1000MCA battery will be roughly 800CCA. This may be one of the reasons your having such a hard time finding a battery. 850MCA is a more common specification for an engine that size although im not familiar with that exact model of engine.
The specification rating of the battery has nothing to do if it has the power to actually mechanically turn over the engine, it is the power needed to properly power all the equipment. When you under power the engine electrically it puts a high amount of stress on the components. When you stress these components the will work for a while but can fail prematurely. The 550 CCA will work for a while but when buying a new engine you want to get the most for that all that money you just spent, find the right battery.

I also caution against the use of automotive batteries, they are not designed to the same specifications and will not hold up to the same bouncing and vibrations the marine ones would.

No, the pdf had CCA instead of MCA. I'm looking for the right battery that has the recommended specs. Thanks for the info.

Tohatsu TLDI motors require high output batteries because the ECU must initialize when the starter is cranking. Lesser batteries will allow the voltage to droop during cranking, and the ECU may not initialize correctly, leading to very weird operation. 550 is not enough to work reliably. Your outboard dealer should carry the correct battery. Whenever describing a Tohatsu motor, always specify exact model, not just hp, and not just year of manufacture. It makes a big difference.

I think it's the MFS50 and not the TLDI motor. I seen it online as a clearance item that didn't list it's model number.

A group 31 should be 1000cca

Thank you.

I am currently looking for a battery with the right specs. Thanks again for all your feedback.