Wifes Job Update


May 17, 2001
WIth my wifes school getting closer to the start date, her boss is getting out of line. Her boss sent her another letter backing up her others on not accomodating her school. In that letter she degraded my wife, showed favoritism and several other uncalled for things as well. <br /><br />My wife showed the letter to the manager. She got upset and asked if my wife was going to take the letter to Human Resources. My wife said I don't want (Toni) her boss to loose her job. THe manager said that she would if this letter would ever get to HR. <br /><br />Later in the day my wife got called into the office. It seems that since she is an excellent worker and the manager doesn't want to loose her, the manager is now going to accomodate school schedules for those going to nurses school. My wifes boss is still PO'd about it. The manager told the supervisor that she has done nothing but favor certain people and that is not being an equal opportunity employer. Imagine that!<br /><br />Well meanwhile, my wife has 2 interviews in different departments today. SHe feels that her boss will never be the same again due to this incident. So now it is wait and see what transpires.<br /><br />This is the first time I have seen upper management go out of their way to keep an employee. I must say that my wife is a special person. At work or home, she is the greatest!

Ron G

Apr 28, 2005
Re: Wifes Job Update

I hate to hear that her boss is such an a**,ha hebest bet is transfer to another depatment or wing,she will take crap from here on out from her boss,i think i would have taken the letter to H.R. or her DON theres no place for that in any work feild and nurses dont need any more stress than the alredy have best of luck to her.

Ross J

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 30, 2001
Re: Wifes Job Update

Stick with it SS Mayfloat, in this world there are three types of people - <br />a) - gardeners - those who do the work<br />b) - garden designers - those who draw up the work to do and still work hard<br />c) - well poisoners - those who work very hard at being nasty yet manage to evade all the real work. They hurt others!<br /><br />Your wife will come out on top because she is a worker and no matter what the circumstances there's always many people who see how things happen within a buisiness. They all gossip and the truth will always come out. A senior who is not constant will be weeded out.<br />Ross


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Re: Wifes Job Update

Originally posted by SS Mayfloat:<br /> With my wife’s school getting closer to the start date, her boss is getting out of line. Her boss sent her another letter backing up her others on not accommodating her school. In that letter she degraded my wife, showed favoritism and several other uncalled for things as well. <br /><br />My wife showed the letter to the manager. She got upset and asked if my wife was going to take the letter to Human Resources. My wife said I don't want (Toni) her boss to loose her job. The manager said that she would if this letter would ever get to HR.
SS,<br /> Glad to see the wife’s situation at work is improving. But with all due respect, your wife has a chance to rid the company of a bad employee, and help the next person in line. What's to stop the B from threading others the same way she threatened your wife, and is your wife the first?? Your wife’s actions or inactions (no matter how well intentioned) will only reinforced the B's method of operation. I say send the letter to HR and let the chips fall where they may.


May 15, 2004
Re: Wifes Job Update

It almost sounded like the manager doesn't want the supervisor working there either, doesn't have the cojones to fire her.... and wanted your wife to take this letter to HR because "she'll most certainly get fired if this letter makes it to HR..." all you gotta do is walk down the hall, up the stairs, third door on the right and it is labeled HR, I mean if it EVER makes it there she will lose her job, they close at noon for lunch, it would be terrible, the HR person's name is Maggie, I just can't see losing her....<br /><br /><br /> :)


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Wifes Job Update

Even Supervisors have baggage. Petty prejudices don't make them bad people but they do make them do some bad things.<br /><br />The Manager did as (s)he should: correct the unfairness.<br /><br />Glad your wife had the guts to confront the problem in a professional manner. Also glad it turned out well. . . it doesn't always.


Apr 24, 2005
Re: Wifes Job Update

Nurses are special people, I am married to one. Would not make it as one myself, it takes a special heart. Best of luck to your wife, when she gets started working as a nurse you will see a different glow to her face.