I have a new to me 2020 Mercury 60 ELPT Command Thrust outboard fitted to a Lowe 20' Pontoon. Took it out yesterday for the first time. With the forward control pushed fully open the RPM gauge showed 4,000. The specs for this motor show wide open throttle is 5500 to 6000 RPM. The boat did feel a little underpowered at full forward. Is it possible this is an adjustment issue with the control cables? Is this a normal adjustment item?
Thanks in advance.
I have a new to me 2020 Mercury 60 ELPT Command Thrust outboard fitted to a Lowe 20' Pontoon. Took it out yesterday for the first time. With the forward control pushed fully open the RPM gauge showed 4,000. The specs for this motor show wide open throttle is 5500 to 6000 RPM. The boat did feel a little underpowered at full forward. Is it possible this is an adjustment issue with the control cables? Is this a normal adjustment item?
Thanks in advance.