Why Do New Models Go Obsolete In Less Than A Year?


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 10, 2009
Just as I was saving my pennies to one day purchase the Kawasaki Ultra 250LX, they come along and make that model obsolete. Well, maybe not obsolete, but they sure did top it this time. I got an email today, regarding the brand spankin' new Kawasaki Jet Ski Ultra 260LX. This baby is sweet!!:
- 260HP, supercharged and intercooled in-line 4 cylinder 16 valve
- 132.7" LOA
- 20.6 gal fuel capacity

This is now, as of today, August 12th, 2009, the most powerful production waverunner. Not to mention, they have an awesome pewter color for it, which I believe is a new scheme for Kawasaki? Well, good thing I didn't buy the 250 yet, but bad thing I can't afford the 260 yet. . . Ain't that the way life goes. . .


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 1, 2009
Re: Why Do New Models Go Obsolete In Less Than A Year?

Most NEW stuff is obsolete and not the "in" thing long before it's paid for!That's why i stick with my old skool stuff.I have friends that are always trading everthing in to have the newest and best out,pointless to me.I can't see getting something,falling in love with it knowing it's temporary ;).


Vice Admiral
Mar 8, 2009
Re: Why Do New Models Go Obsolete In Less Than A Year?

- 260HP, supercharged and intercooled in-line 4 cylinder 16 valve
- 132.7" LOA
- 20.6 gal fuel capacity
- DRY WEIGHT : 1063 pounds
This is now, as of today, August 12th, 2009, the most powerful production waverunner.

most powerful is somewhat true. it doesn't have the best power to weight ratio though. My '97 SPX puts out 110 hp and weights 433 pounds (before removing 30 pounds of unnecessary crap!) power to weight ratio of .254 hp per pound.

now the 260lx, 260 hp, 1063 pounds, .244 hp per pound, and you have alot more wetted hull to drag around. ironically, I'm guessing fuel consumption for both of those are fairly similar.

I've ridden various new and old models, and although the new ones have a really nice ride and great acceleration, i prefer a lighter (<500 pounds) older model any day. You drive new pwc's, you have to ride the old ones.


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 10, 2009
Re: Why Do New Models Go Obsolete In Less Than A Year?

I've been on old and new PWC's, and I like the bigger, more stable ones. I used to drive an old school Sea Doo XP, and it was fun, but did not handle the chop well. If you are riding on a smooth river, the smaller ones are good. Being 6'3" and 240, I am looking for a big ride. Now, as far as replacing this once I get it, not a chance. I want to buy a new jet ski to keep it "till the wheels fall off."


May 5, 2007
Re: Why Do New Models Go Obsolete In Less Than A Year?

There will always be something bigger, faster, or have more cool gadgets that will come out. The best thing to do is find something you love to ride and stop looking at the new stuff. Besides, most new skis take a few years to work out their issues anyway so you want to avoid that hassle if you can. That's why I love my 98 XP. I've modded it so that it can run with any new stock ski and I love the way it handles. Find what you love to ride and don't worry about what someone else has. ;)

Jeff Walkowiak

Lieutenant Commander
Jun 23, 2004
Re: Why Do New Models Go Obsolete In Less Than A Year?

I toyed with the idea of the 260,, but chose the 250 instead and the cost difference was huge,, however I had the jet pump go bad at 40 hours,, it was replaced by warranty but it was disappointing none the less,, I also am not happy with the wet ride and as for fuel this one gets about 4 miles to the gallon on premium ,, so if you ride a lot it gets pretty expensive. And if you like jumping waves forget this hull it sucks for that all it does is cut through the wave and soak you. If you like an awesome hole shot or hard fast acceleration even in tight turns then this ski will do the job,,I'm adjusting to it but I love the sea doo hull design on the gtx for my style of riding. I just won't buy a sea doo supercharged ski.


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