I've got a 1976 Mercury 650, 65 horse, 3 cylinder motor. It sat for 3 years without running. I replaced the trigger and switchbox, that was the reason it was down for so long. Now I keep fouling the same plug, the number 1 cylinder. When I pull the plug out it has a grey, gritty deposit on it. Could that be my piston or cylinder walls getting chewed up? Or is it just dirt and grime from it sitting for so long? I've taken the carbs off and apart and cleaned them good so I know that isn't the problem. I've done a compression test and it cheked out ok. Could it be a timing problem? A local mechanic said to retard the timing 2 degrees and run high octane fuel. Does this sound right to any of you? I've been given so many ideas, I just want to cover all the bases. I'm going broke with this thing. Any information you can give me would be greatly appreciated.